But.... Why?

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If anyone heard that a king size bed is a problem they would call jisung crazy but for him it was.
Yes as you can understand when he opened the door he came face to face with a king size bed in the middle of the room. He couldn't believe what was happening to him right now.

The only thing he wanted is to dig a hole, go inside and never leave from there. He was still in shock until the brunette snap his thoughts.
"Are you gonna stand there pretty boy?"

"W-what? Wrong room" the squirrel boy stuttered frustrated.
"No it's not. Why are you surprised? " He answered crossing his arms to his chest while smirking slightly.
The other turned to face the older but immediately regretting it because of how close their faces were.

He could see his milky chocolate eyes and strings of his hair falling softly into his face. He wanted to look away but he just couldn't. He felt like the world stopped spinning, like everything stopped.

He couldn't understand why Minho didn't do anything either. He felt him move a little closer keeping the eye contact. He felt  his breath hitting his face softly. They were only inches apart.

"MATES WHAT WAS THE PROBLEM?" Felix came in followed by Changbin.

The younger one out of embarrassment he pushed Minho and looked away not wanting the others to see him in that blushing state.
"Yo what is going on here? We came the wrong time... Keep doing what you doing" the freckled boy said and took his boyfriend's hand and left the room making sure to close the door.

And then there was silence. An awkward one. No one said a thing about what was about to happen until Minho spoke up.
"I hate you nerd" and he left the room.

When he was sure that Minho was gone he fell on the floor trying to understand what is happening.
"He first approach me and was about to kiss me and then he said he hates me" he said to himself
"But maybe he wasn't going to kiss me and I'm just imagining things"
He kept arguing and wondering what is going on and that he should stop feeling like that but he just couldn't.

All he could think was about the older and the way they looked at each other just some minutes ago. The way his heart was beating and how he felt the world stop.

Minho's POV

I felt like my heart was about to explode so I just left the room. What did I do? Why? I hate him but why do I find him attractive? Why I approached him that way some minutes ago? What will I have done if felix and changbin didn't burst into the room?

I was wondering and thinking all these that I bumped into someone making him fall. I lift my head to see hyunjin with a frustrating look on his face.

"Where are you going?" Minho asked
"H-huhh.... To my room?" The taller answered which sounded more like a question.
"What happened? You look... not you. And just to remind you your room is from this side" said pointing the way that hyunjin was just coming from.

He looked unsure. Not confident which was really unusual for the one and only hwang hyunjin. His best friend.

At the end they went outside. The weather was really good and the sky was clear. You could see the blue refreshing sky that send chills in your spine and make your head clear.

They sat on the sand of the beach that was in front of the hotel that they were staying. It was empty and quite.

Minho knew that hyunjin wanted to talk to someone and he was there to hear him just like what he would also do.

"I think I like him." The taller said making minho shock.


Hello! New but small chapter. Not my best but I didn't have motivation. Now with school it's harder for me to write but I'll try my best. Hope you like it. Also HAPPY NEW YEAR (I'm really late sorry)

Stay safe ❄️
Love ya 🌹

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