Bro we did not

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"Why everyone is so quite what's wrong why are you guys looking at us?" Changbin spoke up while everyone looked at them. After a some minutes of silence changbin and Felix looked each other not knowing what is happening.
"So?" The freckled boy broke the intense atmosphere.
"Hyung last night you guys almost ate each other's faces. As for you two(he pointed at jisung and Minho) just for you to know you were kissing in front of everyone and lastly hyunjin and seungmin were laughing and hugging each other on the couch" jeongin finished his words with a small smile.
Everyone were shocked with jeongin so words and couldn't believe what they heard.
"WHAT" "NO WE DIDN'T" "I HATE HIM" jisung started screaming and fighting with Minho just like hyunjin and seungmin. As for changbin and Felix where having their mouths hanging up and a blush across their faces.
"YA STOP FIGHTING" chan shouted and everyone stopped. They have never seen Cham this angry before. Bro he was scary.
"Whatever happened is now in the past and you can't do anything so come here and just eat your breakfast in peace" was the only thing chan said before he started eating his food.

Everyone sat down quite and followed his actions. "It's Saturday today what are we going to do?" The youngest asked and everyone looked each other with an angry expression on their faces.
"I don't wanna do anything with this stupid ass hoe" the squirrel looking guy said while sticking out his tongue to Minho.
"Do you thing I wanna pass the weekend with a nerd like you? Ha! Funny" the other answered. "And just for you to know I won the bet" he continued "only in your dreams" "ya d-" before Minho could continue jeongin interrupted them.
"Okay so we can go to the amusing park! Is everyone okay with that?" He said and Felix "woke up" and jumped. "YEAHHHH LETS GO BITCHES I ALWAYS WANTED TO GO" and with that he left jumping up and down and left. "Bro that kid is weird, anyways I'll come and get you around 5pm be sure to be ready and I won't take any excuses" chan said calm.

After everyone finished their breakfast they left to their houses. " it's gonna be a long day" jisung thought.



Hellooo! I hope everyone is okay. Here is another chapter. I hope you like it. I'm sorry if it's not good but I have covid and I'm really tired. I tried my best! Press the star and leave a comment if you like it. And write your opinion
Love ya babes ❤️
Take care 🦋

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