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"FELIX" jisung screamed and got into his unlocked room.

It was bad decision because he came across two figures holding each other and probably just moved their lips away. They both turned shocked to an even more shocked jisung who his mouth have fell.

"WTF" He shouted

Minho heard him from his room and rushed thinking that something bad have happened. He turned to jisung with a worried look not realizing the other two figures in the room.

"Ya are you okay did anything happened why you shouted like that." He asked worried. He didn't know why he acted like that but he didn't questioned at the moment.

Jisung kept his eyes on Felix and changbin who didn't dare to move,talk or even breathe. Minho followed the direction of his eyes understanding why he shouted like that.

"W-what?" Was the only thing he could say.

"Its not what you think it is" changbin tried to defend both of them.

"Yeah yeah sure" jisung said.

The Australian sighed and spoke up.

"Its a pretty long story actually" he said not looking his best friend in his eyes.

Minho saw his friend signaling him to take jisung and leave so that's what he did.

"I think its our time to leave don't you think princess?" He asked jisung who didn't said anything just nodded.

"Why did I call him like that its not that I like him I just play with him right?" He questioned himself.

Changbin and Felix exchange weird looks about the nickname but smiled at each other.

Time skip

The day passed quickly and it was around 7pm. Jisung was walking around not in a mood to do anything.  They informed him that something happened with his and minhos room so they will have to change so until they get it ready he was outside.

Felix came to him running.

"Ya I have been look around for you no one answered in the room"

"Yeah something wrong happened with the room and we have to move to another one" he said

Felix just nodded understanding the situation. He looked at the other and took a deep breath.

"Me and changbin have a thing"

Jisung almost chocked with his saliva hearing the news.


He knew that something was going on between them after the incident before but he was still shocked. The freckled boy scratched his neck smiling a little.

"It's been like 3-4 days. After we talked about the party and what had happened one day he told me that he like me and we started hanging out more until he asked me to be his boyfriend. We wanted to keep it a secret until we were ready so I couldn't say anything. Sorry mate." He said ,smiling apologetically.

Jisung hugged him really tight being happy with his friend.

"Omg I'm so happy for you. You finally got your boy. I knew it you liked him" he smirked and the other just blushed.

"Ohh yeah before I forget it what happened before. You looked frustrated" he asked curious.

Jisung blushed remembering Minho and what had happened some hours ago between them.
He explained what had happened to Felix and the other was not as shocked as he thought he would be. He was rather happy about the news.

"I told you, you like each other" he said proud.

"What no. He doesn't like me. I don't think he likes boys" jisung said a little disappointed.

"Oh bro he is whipped for you. I know"

Jisung didn't say anything more. He smiled with Felix words. He didn't know what he would do without him.

They started walking around with Felix talking about changbin and how good he is until they meet him throughout their way. He smiled at his boyfriend and hugged him.

" Minho told me that your room is ready. But there is only one problem." He said facing jisung.

"Problem? What problem?" Jisung questioned.

"I think it's better to go and see by yourself" Changbin said.

He didn't waste more time and started running to his new room. When he was out of the door with the number 478 he knocked slightly worried about the little "problem".

He didn't wait a long and the door was open. Minho made space so the other could come inside. When jisung got in the room he knew what that little "problem" was and he didn't like it at all.


Hello! New chapter is here and I hope you like it. Press the star and tell me your options. What is that little "problem"? You will know in the next chapter.
Also I WENT TO A CONCERT OMGGGGG!!!! Finally I couldn't believe that any kpop idol would come to Greece 🇬🇷 but jay b CAME !!! I have been staning got7 since I started listening to kpop back in 2019!!!!!

 Also I WENT TO A CONCERT OMGGGGG!!!! Finally I couldn't believe that any kpop idol would come to Greece 🇬🇷 but jay b CAME !!! I have been staning got7 since I started listening to kpop back in 2019!!!!!

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Love ya babes 🐮🍄🌍

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Love ya babes 🐮🍄🌍

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