Amusing park

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It was now almost 5pm and the eight boys were now arguing in front of chans house about who will go in which car.
"Im not going with him" jisung stated and the oldest glares at him
"Who said I wanna go in the same car as you nerd" the other spat back
"If you call-"
"That's enough!" Jeongin interrupted them.
"That's how are going: chan,me,jisung and Minho hyung in chans hyung car and the others at changbins hyung car"
The youngest said annoyed by his friends behaviour.

Everyone looked at each other with a disgusting express and anger in their eyes but no one dared to say anything. So they just went to the car they were told to.

The ride in both cars were pretty quite. Only glances. Only chan and jeongin were talking in the first car for some random topics.

While in the other car prevailed silence. But even if they didn't talk you could understand the tension between Felix and changbin in the back seats.

After a long as jisung thought ride they were finally at the amusing park. It was really big and maybe the only one excited was Felix and jeongin. They couldn't stop dancing, jumping and singing around.

"Which one should we do first?" The freckled boy asked
"I think we should go to the biggest ride over there " the youngest said and jisung was sure he saw a sparkle on their eyes.

He gulped and looked at the ride. After that he saw the others. "I don't think anyone is fan of this thing" he thought but still walked up to the ride with the others.

He was terrified of heights and that was really a lot for him. He looked who he will sit with and it didn't made him feel better. OF COURSE IT HAD TO BE MINHO!!!!!

He groaned and sit besides him. He was also looked afraid. "Ha he is afraid. Now I will have something to get to him" the squirrel like boy thought and made his mood better.
Not until the ride started.

At the end of the ride he was hugging Minho with his whole heart just like the other too. The ride had stopped some minutes now and they were still holding on each other.

"Are you gonna keep hugging for a long or should we keep and come get you when we are leaving?" Changbin asked

They immediately left each other's arms and got up fixing their clothes embarrassed.

Hours passed and it was like 10 or 11pm and they have done almost everything. They played games wich made hyunjin won a little puppy and he gave it to seungmin because he said it looked like him not for other reason (au/ liar hyunjinnnnn). They also did a lot of other rides and the wheel too.

To jisung it seemed like changbin and felix got closer than before but he didn't know if that was because felix was really excited that he was at the amusing park or for other reason.

As for him and Minho.... It was really awkward after the incident that happens earlier and what jeongin had said at the same morning. They didn't change word. Not even to swear or make fun of the other.

They ended up eating burgers there and left right after heading to their homes.

For some reason jisung was thinking of the older when he layed on his bed. He didn't know why but he felt weird. Like something was hurting him on his stomach when he was thinking that he might have actually kissed Minho at the party. But he will never admit that he liked it. He didn't want to.
"Why would jeongin lie to me about this topic" he thought and then he felt his eyes getting heavy making him sleep.

The only think jisung didn't know is that someone two blocks away was thinking about the same thing.


/# Au/

I was really excited for this chapter. Is longer than the others but a lot of things happened. If you like it press the star ⭐️ and tell me your opinion in the comments 💎

I'm really excited for the new ateez comeback. I CANT WAIT!!

My mother said she liked his back and body 💀👏🏻

Anyways see you at the next chapter💍
Love ya babes❤️

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