Movie at chans

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Tuesday. He never liked that day. Not any specific reason. He just hated Tuesdays. Jisung was now sitting in his first class with Felix talking nonstop and seungmin reading something. The teacher wasn't there yet. Minho either.

Jisung was really happy about it. He didn't have to face the other. They didn't change a word after the "cute" that the squirrel boy had said. He didn't slept yesterday. He kept thinking about the reaction he got. Just a chuckling and nothing more. Not teasing. Not mocking. Nothing.

As he kept thinking about minhos small laugh a smile spread across his face not him noticing it. But someone else did.

"Why are you smiling bro" the freckled boy asked. As his twin heard that his smile fade away.
"I'm not smiling"

"Yeah yeah stop lying little squirrel. Dont forget I know your deepest secrets"
He laughed out.

Just then three boys came through the door. Approaching them. When Felix saw changbin he stopped talking. That didn't go unnoticed by the other two where they turned around.

Jisungs cheeks took a bright shade of red. He looked away with the fear of getting teased. Minho looked the cute boy and smiled watching the other getting shy. He sat down next to him not saying a word.

In the other side of the story seungmin didn't dare to look at the taller. When their eyes met for a moment  he felt the same thing in his stomach so he just turned back to his book not really understanding what he was reading at the moment.

He didn't know that hyunjin felt the same. A warm and nice feeling went through his stomach. Like something is in there. Something like butterflies? He didn't really know and didn't want to admit it either. He just blame it again at the fact that he was "hungry".

There was a silence. An awkward silence. No one felt comfortable to talk to other. Just like every other time glances came from the people there. But this time it was different.

There weren't any fight between them. Not even a bad world came out of their mouths. It

The awkward silence was broken by jeongin and bangchan who were running towards them.

"We can go! They told us that they will let us leave because they have to discuss about our trip." The youngest among of them informed excited.

The boys in front of them turn their attention to the oldest and the youngest of the group. Excited but also shocked about the news they didn't know what to say so they kept quite.

"I thought you would know seungmin because you are the class president" bangchan said to the puppy looking boy making everyone turn their attention to him.

"Something is on his mind these days. He's really quite. Like REALLY quite and he forgets a lot. He must be thinking of something......or..... maybe someone" the freckled Australian boy said. A smirk was formed on his lips.

Hyunjin shot up his head and looked around. No one noticed except bangchan. He shook his head and started talking again.

"Anyways lets gang out at my place. Lets see a movie and drink something. They will announce details about the trip tomorrow"



Time skip

"I would like an action movie"
"NO! They are boring....."

As you can understand eight people with different likings were in the oldest living room trying to decide about what they are going to watch. It was a really hard decision but at the end they put on a horror movie.

Gathering on the couches they started the movie. Jisung never understood how he ended up hugging Minho and him hugging him back.
He was really afraid and didn't know what he was doing. He ended up falling asleep in the older a arms.

Minho was feeling warm and loved by the person he was having in his arms. He didn't know why but he liked the feeling. Never in his imagination he would believe that he would be on chans house, on his couch AND hugging jisung. The other looked so small in his arms witch made him smile. It was the first time in his life he looked the squirrel boy so close.

He moved his hair from his eyes and appreciate every single detail of the boy's face. His peaceful closed eyes and his puffy cute cheeks made him really look like a squirrel . His messy blond hair suited for his cute and adorable face while his thin pink lips looked really soft now that he was asleep. He really wanted to kiss them but he came to his right mind when Felix screamed and fell on changbin because of jump scare on the tv.

Wtf Minho? What are you thinking? He is your enemy you can't think about him like that. You hate each other. Why am I even letting him sleep in my arms...... I'll just let it this time pass.

That's what he kept saying to himself. He tried to ignore the warm feeling in his stomach. He also tried to find excuses about why he didn't push jisung away. A lot of thing were on his mind that he didn't understand when his eyes closed moving him to dreamland.


Here is another chapter! I hope you like it. Please vote and tell me your opinions in the comments. Thank you for reading this story until now. See you on the next chapter🍔
Love ya babes ❤️

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