Chapter 5

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Small timeskip~

"Your wounds are healing very well Kumiko. I'm very suprised on how fast you are healing. Maybe this afternoon we can even get you up out of that bed." Said the Doctor looking over all of the wounds. And putting the bandages back on.

"The faster I heal, the faster I get out of this damn hospital." Kumiko told the doctor. "I'm so ready to get out of here, is there any chance we can go outside? Certainly going outside and breathing fresh air will not hurt right? Wouldn't that help healing too? Fresh air, change of scenery."

"Maybe at the end of the week we can try and get you outside. The flowers are beautiful this time of the year."

"End of the week?! UGH, can we at least open up some windows?"

"Sorry, these windows cannot open, we had to permanently lock them due to uhm, patients trying to escape all the time." The doctor says sweat dropping.

"I couldn't imagine why." Kumiko huffed as she folded her arms laying back onto her bed. "Ouch, that is still really sore."

"As it will  be for a while. Let me put in an order to get you out of bed, it's going to take sometime to build your strength back up. But I have no doubt that you will build it back up twice as fast as everyone else does." Suddenly there is a knock on her door.

"Give us three more minutes!" The doctor said as he wraps the bandages back over her left leg. Whimpering in pain. Hiding one of the things Kumiko hates the most about herself.

"Alright all done!" The doctor shouts. The door slowly opens and in pops Kurenai. Kurenai  has been coming every day to talk to her best friend for the past two weeks. "Alright, I'm done here. I will get the order in for you and see you later tonight." He says walking to the door and exits.

"Sorry, I'm late! The line at the ramen shop was really long at this time of the day." Kurenai said as she sat in the seat next to Kumiko placing a cup of ramen, some tea, and some bread on her tray. "How is everything going? Can I break you out of this place yet?" She said laughing.

"No not yet sadly." Kumiko said taking a sip of her tea. "They are going to get me out of this bed later on today. Then hopefully by the end of the week I can go outside finally."

Kurenai takes a bit of her ramen. "Well, lets hope after this week I can finally bust you out of this joint." She says smiling. "It's getting really boring going on shopping trips and making fun of the pipsqueaks in the academy. The guys just don't have the sense of humor like we do."

"Yeah, they always thought we were the weird ones in school. It is so nice to finally be back in the village. Even though even though I'm not in my own bed right now." Kumiko said laughing.

"At this rate they may as well put a name tag on this bed. I'm pretty sure you have already left a butt print on it!" Kurenai said and the both start laughing. "But good news, Iruka still lives in his same apartment." She said while smiling.

"I'm pretty sure Iruka is mad or does not even care about me anymore." Kumiko said putting down her ramen looking down at her lap.

"Now don't say that Koko, Iruka totally missed you, I  mean, it's not your fault you had to leave so suddenly."

"If he really cared why has he not visited me then?" She said in a whisper.

"Well, he is pretty busy with the kids. They take up a lot of time."

"You said that before, so he has moved on from me." Kumiko said with a hurt expression on her face.

"What? No! The kids in his class silly! Iruka would never have kids unless it was with you!" Kurenai said giggling causing Kumiko to blush slightly.

"Class? what do you mean?" she asks

"No one has told you? He's the academy teacher!" Kurenai exclaims.

"What! No way! Really? That is awesome! I'm so proud of him. I've missed a lot. I have a feeling it's going to be hard to get everyone to trust me again." Kumiko says leaning back onto her bed. Suddenly there is a knock on the door.

"Vistiting time is over you can come back  in a couple of hours when they are open again." Said the nurse.

"That's fine, I have some work to do anyway. I'll send Asuma in later to oversee you getting out of the bed." She said as she walks out of the room.

Kumiko closes her eyes. So, he's a teacher now? i knew he could do it.  She thought to herself as she falls asleep.

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