Chapter 28

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There are several time skips during this chapter. I didn't want to bore everyone with it plus I'm lazy. Haha


"What's going on here?" Iruka questions stepping inside the apartment. "By the way you two were acting earlier I you have thought someone would have been dead." He says laughing nervously rubbing the back of his neck.

"It's perfectly fine Iruka." Kumiko says walking up to him kissing his cheek. Kakashi walks over to one of the chairs and sits down.

"Well good. I heard Sota grumbling earlier about you training Mayumi." Iruka says following her to the couch.

"Wait, Mayumi? You're going to train her for finals?" Kakashi looks over at her. "Isn't that a little much going on?"

"Yes, does everybody know this girl except me?" Kumiko huffs. "And it's not too much, it's only for a month."

"Apparently so. You know how Sota is. I can't believe he even has a team." Iruka replies. "What do you mean 'too much?'" Iruka asks.

Completely ignoring Iruka's question Kumiko gets up and walks to the kitchen making some tea. "I know. I was in his squad when we were younger." A shiver comes over her. "Asshole. Well, his team must be a silent one and actually listens."

Both Iruka and Kakashi laugh hysterically.

"What?" She questions bringing them both back a cup of tea for them and sits down.

"Team 0 have been at each other throats. He likes to place his team mates against each other nearly everyday. Fighting each other at once. He tries to turn them against each other. It's a strategy he has. The three of them are not very good with others. Although they are the hardest Genin we have, he takes them and puts them against. To see if they can come together as an actual team. I don't understand how any of them are alive." Kakashi says finally calming down from his laughing fit Iruka holding his stomach from laughing too hard.

"Actually, maybe you and her will get along well. She's cocky, arrogant-"

"A smart mouth." Kakashi jumps in.

"Yeah, shoot Kumiko. Maybe you'll break her." Iruka and Kakashi snicker.

"Yeah yeah. I can hold my own." Kumiko says setting her half drank cup on the table and yawns.

"I'm taking that as my cue to leave." Kakashi says getting up putting his cup in the sink. "I'll see you two later." He waves off as he leaves.

"Well Kumiko. Tell me what's-" Iruka looks over and see Kumiko fast asleep on his shoulder. He sighs and moves and picks her up taking her to bed.


"So Mayumi. Let's see what you got." Kumiko states getting into a defensive stance. The two fight for an hour. Kumiko using up all of her weapons trying to go easy on the girl. "You're not even trying Mayumi."

"Why did you say that?"

"I can tell you're holding back. I know you're stronger than what you have showed me today."

"Why do you think I'm holding back?"

"Maybe you're scared?"

"Excuse me?" She says coldy.

"You heard me. Either that, or you're just as weak as Sota thought you were."

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