Chapter 29

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Gasps are heard from all over as Kumiko chases after the snakes her mask somehow coming off in the process. Her bandages unraveling off of her body exposing the black marks of the amount of lives she has taken now show on her pale skin as they start to glow. Iruka, I hope you are safe... Then all of a sudden everything goes black.

Her two beast tails completely taken over their host. Snarling and growling. She closes her eyes then opens them. One eye black other, white.

"Iruka! Wait up!" Kumiko says running after him. "Look! I passed my final exam!"

"That's awesome! So did I!" Iruka says pointing to his forehead.

"We're going to be the best ninja's there ever was!"  she says hugging him.

"Who do you have on your squad?" Iruka asks.

"Sota, and some kid named Naoki."

"I hope we get to go on missions together soon!"

"I hope so too!"


"Come on Kumiko. You're slow! You need to think faster." Her sensei says and she has her hands on her knees panting out of breath.

"I'm trying dammit!"

"Just give up. You're useless." Sota says shoving his hands in his pockets already done with their fight.

"I am not!" She shouts at him.

"You need to learn to focus more chakra in more than one place, and keep it balanced. You have plenty of chakra reserve in you." Sensi replies.

"You need to push yourself harder." Naoki jumps in.

"She needs to train more. She's pitiful, useless weak. I can't believe she's even in our team." Sota taunts.

"I. Am. Not!" She screams forming hand signs.

"Katon? Again?"  Sota says looking around for a fire clone.

"KATON: KARYUU EDAN(FIRE RELEASE: FIRE DRAGON BLAST!)" She shouts rapidly forming the rest of  her jutsu.

"KUMIKO NO!" Sensei shouts forming his own hand signs causing a dome over Sota. The hit of the two causes an explosion in the field.

"IS EVERYBODY OKAY?!" Sensei shouts. He looks over to see Kumiko standing in the same place she was and sees Sota and Naoki laying on the ground. He rushes over to them seeing they are breathing and unharmed. "Kumiko! What was that?"

"Never underestimate your opponent Sota." She says as she walks off.


She opens her eyes looks down seeing she's laying in a stream of water she looks up seeing all black. "Tabiki? Akua? Whats going on?" She asks standing in front of the cages.

"Release the seal you brat!" Tabiki demands.


"Miko, release the seal on me. I promise everything will be okay dear" Akua says gently.

"You guys know I can't do that Akua."

"YES YOU CAN BRAT NOW DO IT! RELEASE ME!" Tabiki shotus rattling the chains.

"NO!  Seven tails are already showing! I cannot do that! I can't take that chance!" She says falling to her knees holding her head.

"Then why let us take over thus far?" Akua asks.

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