Chapter 11

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"Do you want to get some rice too?" Rinka asks.

Kumiko nodded as she puts the bag of rice in the basket.

"Either you like to eat or you like to cook." Rinka said giggling looking at the very full basket.

"I like both. I have always cooked. I would always cook for Iruka when we were younger." She pauses for a moment.

"Kumiko, you always cook so good! All I can make is frozen food." Iruka said smiling at her as he eats.

"Well one of us has to know how to cook silly. I gotta keep us alive some how." Kumiko said taking a bite of her pork smiling. "It's okay Iruka, I'll always cook for you, I can't let my best friend go hungry."

"You're going to make your man very happy one day." Iruka says smiling back at her.

"Did you hear me?" Rinka asked bringing Kumiko back out of her memories.


"I asked do you have enough to pay for all of this?"

"Oh yes, trust me, it's not problem." Kumiko said as they walk up to the counter and pay.

"Thank you! Come again!" Said the clerk.

The two girls start walking when they round the corner. "Asuma!" Kumiko said.

"I see that you are out and about so soon." He says lighting up a cigarette.

"Yeah, well I gotta get stronger to kick your ass again." Kumiko retorted.

"Haha, yeah yeah. You wish." He says as he ruffles her hair. "Hopefully we can test that out soon."

An man in a mask appears in front of them. "Hime Kumiko. The Hokage wants your presence in his office right away." Kumiko nods and the Anbu vanishes.

"Great, I wonder what he wants." Kumiko mumbles.

"Well I will see you around Kumiko." Asuma said as he waves himself off.

"Asuma! Tell Kurenai to come by soon!" She yells at him.

"Let's go to his office then I need to pick up something before we get you back home." Rinka says as they walk to the office building and walk inside. "Actually, I'm going to run out real quick while I wait for you. I will probably be back before you two are done." Kumiko watches Rinka walk away then proceeds wobbling to the Hokage's office. She knocks lightly on the door.

"Enter." The old man says as he looks up. "Kumiko, you arrived fast. I almost was expecting you to enter through the window per usual."

"I was already out, I had to get some groceries. Not too sure they would like it if I was jumping around just yet." She says taking a seat placing her cane in her lap.

"I see, I wanted to talk to you in private for a moment. I found someone that can fix... your curse." Lord Hokage says carefully.

Kumiko looks at him hard. "You're kidding right? There is no possible way to break this curse."

"You will always have the curse I'm afraid. But she can make them disappear. Partially breaking the curse. No more bandages. It may take sometime to fully conceal them. But it can be done." He looks at her with a serious expression. "It's not going to be easy. It's going to be a painful process. But I'm sure you can handle it."

"When-When is she coming?" Kumiko asks.

"She is set to be here in three weeks." Kumiko nodded. "I have told her some about you too." He pauses for a second. "Then I also have bad news." He says pulling out a book. "I also found out that you are now in the bingo book." He opens it up to the last page with her picture on it."

Kumiko smirks. "I knew it would only take some time." She looks out the window. "I wonder which one of them did it." She looks back down at the book noticing a familiar face. "Hmm."

"You are far down in the book for now, I will keep an eye on it. As of right now, I don't see any threats for you or us right now." The old man says.

Kumiko nods as he closes the black book and slides it in his desk. "Do you have an idea of who did it?"

"Yes, It's no problem taking care of it. In four weeks I can fix it." She looks at him like shes asking permission.

"Hm, We will do five weeks." She nods in agreement.

"Is that all sir?"

"Yes, you may leave."

Kumiko gets up putting weight on her cane.

"That's a rather intresting cane you have there." The Hokage said.

"It is." She taps is on the floor one time then it glows blue again turning into her new staff showing off the dragon holding the orb. "It only listens to me. I gotta practice with it more." She tapped it again on the ground shrinking it then walks out.


"Well, everything okay?" Rinka asks.

"Yeah I guess so." Kumiko looks behind Rinka. "Iruka? I thought you had to teach today?" Kumiko said looking at him puzzled. As he is holding her groceries.

"Yeah well, over half the class is sick so I just told them all to go home. No sense in teaching chakra build up if only three people are there." He says as they start walking home. They get to Kumiko's apartment and she unlocks the lock to let them both in, closing the door behind them. Iruka sets the bags on the counter.

"I'll put these up for you." Rinka says.

"I'll help, Kumiko is pretty weird with where things are placed." Iruka said grabbing a loaf of bread and some juice.

"I'm not that weird, I just like having everything in the right place. It makes finding stuff easy." She said as she walks to the couch and lays down.

The two put away the groceries and walk back to the living room to see Kumiko fast asleep on the couch.

"Let her sleep, she needs it." Rinka said as she put her hand on his shoulder then sat down in a chair.


"Just a few more times Kumiko! You got this!" Said Diedara. Kumiko breathes heavy trying to focus chakra into the palm of her hands creating a small blue fire ball then opens her mouth creating a spear. Quickly she aims for a tree and throws it hitting her mark. Making the tree engulf in blue flames.

"Yeah That's it! you got it!"  Diedara exclaimed.

"I think that's enough for today before we burn the forest down." A blue man said.

"But Kiseme! she just started getting her third jutsu down!" Tobi said wrapping his arms around Kumiko.

"I've been here for over a year and a half now Tobi. I think I'm doing good at this rate, I'll be better than you Kiseme!" She laughed at him leaning back onto Tobi.

"Yeah right. But I know you're better than half the people here. Most of them are afraid of you." Kiseme says as he puts out the fire. "If she keeps up this kind of work, we will test her out in the field with us rather soon." He said as he walks away.

"Well lets go, I'm starving!" Diedara said as Tobi takes her hand and helps her onto Diedara's bird and sets her in his lap pulling her close. Slightly lifting his mask to kiss her neck.

Kumiko's eyes fluttered open and looks up at  Iruka staring at her "Uh, why are you staring at me like that?" She asks as she sits up.

"You were tossing in your sleep mumbling something about a forest fire." Iruka said sitting next to her.

"Oh, I'm sorry must have been a dream." She puts her head in her hands embarassed then looks around. "Where is Rinka? What time is it?"

"It's 6. She left to go home." Iruka said smiling at her.

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