Chapter 16

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"Are you sure Iruka is coming?" Kumiko whispered to Kurenai as they stand outside of the bar next to Kakashi and Asuma.

"Of course he is." Asuma said lighting up a cigarette and puffing on it. "Why wouldn't he? He's been dealing with those rotten kids this week. He needs a break."

"Well he needs to hurry up, It's freezing out here." Kurenai complains scooting closer to Kumiko for warmth.

"The more alcohol I can consume the warmer I will be." Kumiko mutters.

Iruka walks up to the group of four. "It's about time you showed up. I thought the girls were going to freeze out here." Kakashi said opening the door to the bar letting the girls go in first. They take their seats and get their drinks.

Kakashi sitting next to Asuma. Kurenai sitting between him and Kumiko and then Iruka sits next to Kumiko.

"It's been so long since we have all been out together!" Kurenai says.

"Yeah, it's going to be a blast." Asuma said rolling his eyes taking a sip of beer. "Just promise you two won't get too drunk tonight?"

"Ha, no promises Asuma." Kumiko said throwing back a shot with Kurenai.

Two hours later and Kumiko and Kurenai are four drinks and six shots in.

"Come onnnn Kumiko! Let's go daance !" Kurenai slurs pulling at Kumiko's arm. They stagger to the dance floor.

"Oh boy, here we go guys." Kakashi said annoyed sitting up a little.

"Yeah, but let them have fun. I haven't seen Kurenai this happy in a long time." Asuma said puffing on his cigarette.

"Just better keep an eye on them." Kakashi replied.

"Nah, they aren't going to walk off with some stranger anymore." Asums says. "Besides Iruka would stop Kumiko fast if something like that were to happen."

"Iruka?" Kakashi said as he looks over to him and sees him looking in the opposite direction.

"Huh? Whatever." Iruka said looking down.

"What's going your panties in a bunch? You haven't talked all night. Everything okay with you and Kumiko?" Asuma asks.

"I yelled at her today." Iruka admits. Kakashi and Asuma both look at him hard. "I didn't mean too. The stress of this week I guess hit me and I took my frustration out on her. I want to sit down and talk to her. We haven't been able to talk about what I want too since she came back. Then last week I kissed her."

Kakashi and Asuma hold their gaze at him.

"You kissed her?" Kakashi said finally breaking the awkward silence.

"Yeah." Iruka said leaning back into his seat. "Then I got so busy this week and she probably thinks that I've been ignoring her. Then today I yelled at her."

"Well, it sounds like you just need to take her out on a date and just talk. Maybe get away for a couple of days?" Kakashi says taking a sip of his drink.

"Hey guys, I hate to change the subject, but where did the girls go?" Asuma asked standing up.

The three guys start searching for the girls.


"Come on! Lets get another shot!" Kumiko says leading Kurenai to the bar. They take their shots and throw them back.

"You two girls seem to be having a lot of fun." A black haired man said as he approached them. "May I buy you two another round?" He asks them politely.

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