Chapter 12

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"I'll make us some supper." Kumiko says trying to stand up and starts walking to the kitchen. Her legs gave out and she starts to fall, she tries to grab onto something. Iruka quickly catches her before she hits the floor. He looks down at her slightly blushing at how close their faces are together. They look at each other for a quick moment. Kumiko feeling heat rise inside of her.

"Maybe I should cook for us." Iruka whispers.

"You? Cook?" Kumiko laughs at him. Help me to the kitchen. I will sit and boss you around."

"You're always good at bossing people around." He stands her back up helping her to the kitchen.

"I mean, someone has to be the bossy one around here." She says sitting up on the counter. "Grab some rice and some chicken."

"Okay Ms Bossy." Iruka said jokingly as he opens up the fridge grabbing the chicken. He turns to Kumiko walking in front of her. He can smell her coconut shampoo on her long curly hair. His chest bumps into her as he reaches for the cabinet behind her to grab the rice. She inhales his scent.

Five years, I have missed this smell. She thought to herself. He returns back to the stove with a small blush on his cheeks. Come back..

"S-so you want to measure out one cup of rice and t-two cups of water. and put it in a pot together then c-cover it." Kumiko stammers out. Iruka does as she says. "Now, let me season the chicken real quick." She grabs a couple of seasonings next to her and puts it on the chicken. "Now take them and place them in the pan."

"I don't understand how you learned to cook so easily." Iruka said as he places them into the sizzling pan.

"It takes practice besides, Kurenai's mom would teach me when I would go over to her house." Kumiko said.

"Well that makes sense. But, even at such a young age?" Iruka questioned.

"Well yeah, I've always been by myself I have to fend for myself somehow." She turns to Iruka smiling. "And to help keep you alive and not starve to death."

Iruka walks back in front of Kumiko and places his hands on both sides of her on the counter getting close to her face. "I kept myself alive for five years." He says inching closer to her face, speaking softer. Kumiko's reathing becomes faster. "Five years, without you. Five years, without my best friend." He leans in closer to her face looking at her lips.

"Five years of you not learning to cook."

"I only want your cooking." He says as his lips graze hers putting a strand of hair behind her ear.

Kumiko then notices something in the corner of her eye. "IRUKA!" Kumiko yells. "YOU'RE BURNING THE CHICKEN!"

He looks over and sees a fire on the stove. He turns it off and grabs the pan then throws it in the sink running cold water on it.

"Maybe we should go out and get something to eat." Iruka said scratching the back of his neck. "Besides, it probably wouldn't have tasted as good since you're not the one cooking it."

Kumiko giggles. "Alright. I just need to get my wallet and key." He turns to grab her things and she jumps down without thinking and hits the floor hard.

"Kumiko!" He rushes to her and picks her up. "Are you okay?" He asks as he's examining her head.

"Yeah, I kinda forgot my legs are still weak. I can't wait until I can train again." She says holding onto him for support as he helps her up.

"Well, I've heard that swimming helps build muscle and strength back." He says getting her cane as she follows him out of the door and locks it.

"Absolutely not." She replies.

"Why not?" He asks in confusion.

She raises her left arm that's not holding onto the black cane. "Bandages."

"Well why don't you take the-."

She cuts him off "Because I can't take them off. Now is not the time to talk about them." She says harshly.

"I'm sorry. Whenever your ready Kumiko,  we can talk about it. " He says holding out his arm to for her. She puts her left arm through his to help support her and they start walking down the street.

"Where would you like to eat?" Iruka asks.

"It doesn't really matter, ramen is fine." She says looking up at him. He nods and they walk to Ichiraku Ramen arms linked together. They get there and take a seat.

"Hey Iruka-Sensei!" Naruto says pulling a stool up next to them. "What are you up too?"

"Just getting something to eat." He replies as he looks at the yellow haired kid then turning to Kumiko.

"Oh, I see you're on a date! Is she your girlfriend? Wait, is that the same lady that I was talking to a week ago? Isn't she our neighbor?" He asks.

Both Iruka and Kumiko blush.

"N-no, It's not a date Naruto, I was cooking and I accidentally burnt the chicken. So we decided to come out and eat." Iruka says.

"No way! I didn't know you could cook! Why haven't you ever cooked for me?" Naruto shouts.

"Because he doesn't know how to cook silly child, that's why he burnt the chicken." Kumiko says giggling. "You should come over soon Naruto, I would be happy to cook for you." She says and she ruffles his hair.

"Oh, well that makes more sense. That would be awesome! I bet you're a great cook! Anyway I gotta go! I gotta practice! See ya!"

Teuchi comes and takes their order and they have some small talk as they eat. They finish up and pay him. They start walking back to their homes arms linked. They get to Iruka's apartment first.

"I can walk to my own apartment by myself Iruka." Kumiko says.

"Yeah, but I want to make sure you are settled in before I leave you." He says walking her to her door. She unlocks the door and releases his arm.

"Thank you for this afternoon. It has been nice." She says blushing. "I-I miss hanging out with you."

Iruka lightly touches her face with his hand moving her face up to look at him and dips his head in then presses his lips gently on hers. His hand then goes to the back of her head and the other on her waist to bring her closer to him. She hesitates for a moment and kisses him back putting her hand on his chest not wanting let his lips leave off of hers. A wave of heat shoots through her body. They both pull back for air and Iruka rests his forehead on hers looking into her eyes smiling,  as the street lights shine bright enough revealing the beautiful shade of brown, that he had fallen for such a long time ago. "Goodnight Kumiko." He says placing a gentle kiss on her forehead then lets her go and walks back to his apartment. A growing hunger inside of her making her wanting more.

She stands there breathless and in a daze with butterflies in her stomach. Kumiko finally snaps out of it and walks into her apartment. 

So, he does still have feelings for me?

She walks to the kitchen and looks at the pill bottle on the counter. I better take these. I don't think I can take another nightmare like that again anytime soon. She pops one in her mouth and gets a glass of water and swallows it with ease.

Then she continues to the bathroom and washes her face and proceeds to her bedroom changing into a baggy shirt and some yoga shorts. Kumiko notices the bandages on around her right leg was unraveling.

"Yikes I gotta be careful. I never knew that was coming undone." She mumbled to herself as she wraps it back up so it sits snug. Rubbing a spot on her neck. Kumiko pulls back her blanket and lays in her bed pulling the blanket back over her.

I really need to talk to him. Maybe we can try and make things work again? But my luck it would be bad timing. Something is going to come up and I'll have to leave again.. Well, at least try. Won't know how it would go if I don't take the risk.

She rolled to her side lost in her thoughts as she closes her eyes.

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