CH. 44 Sunset Motel

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Dean drove all night tracking her, in the few hours that had passed he had managed a few tasks being: to get a new cell phone, track Katherine's cell, and acquire vervain.

He pulled into a small motel right off highway 40, the neon glow from the sign flickered reading "sunset motel" in red lighting. The impala rolled to a stop parking in the darkest spot in the parking lot. Dean climbed out of the car walking into the front office of the motel, a young man stood behind the counter playing on his cell phone not noticing him when he walked in. 

Dean rang the lobby bell and the man's eyes snapped up to him as he rose from his seat and made his way to the counter. "How can I help you, sir?" the man asked. Dean read his name tag "Gabe" and then checked his watch, it was just past four a.m. and he had finally made it to where Katherine's cell signal showed her to be. 

"Yeah hi Gabe, I wanted to surprise my wife as she is staying here. You see today is our anniversary, and she had to go out of town on a work trip. She is staying here, I'm just not sure on what room number and I know it is really early but I wanted to catch her before she had to go into the office. " he smiled as he lied smoothly trying to gain the trust of the man. 

Gabe looks back at Dean concerned "ugh we aren't really allowed to do that here sir, I'm sorry."  Dean reaches in his back pocket and pulls his wallet out fetching three twenties and sliding them across the counter. "I understand that, but my wife will be so excited and I just drove all night to be able to see her." Dean taps his fingers on the money hoping it will persuade Gabe into giving him the room number. "She is a feisty brunette, drop-dead gorgeous ring a bell?"  Gabe nods in agreement, turns to his computer, and types for a few moments. 

"I'm sorry can't tell you the room number sir." he says gesturing his head toward the camera sitting behind him but sliding the cash from the counter into his pocket continues "But I can show you to where the bathrooms are". Gabe gives Dean a "play along with it" look and leads him from the lobby. 

Once they are both outside Gabe sighs, "you better not get me fired dude, she's in room 212." Dean pats him on the back and thanks him for his help, they both go their separate ways. Dean sees room 212 at the end of the corridor, he checks his jacket to make sure the vervain syringes are in place. There is only one way in and one way out of each motel room judging from the layout, meaning she can only escape through the front door. 

Dean stands in front of the door hesitating to pick the lock. He runs his hand across his face and through his hair wondering what he can do about this situation since he had only been told so much. He pushes past his fears and quietly picks the lock, he hears the lock click and slowly twists the knob moving his body into the darkness of the room pulling a syringe from his jacket to wield as a weapon. 

He sees the outline of Katherine in the bed through the darkness and draws closer to her while holding his breath. Once beside her he can hear her shallow breathing as she sleeps, he pulls part of the sheet back rapidly and goes to inject her in the arm with the vervain. 

Katherine wakes panicked, grabbing his arm and seeing the syringe through the darkness she released Dean and bolts from beside him while she secures herself in the bathroom. 

" I came to help, there is another way" Dean lets out a sigh, knowing she thinks that he is there to end her quickly. " Klaus has another way baby, you have to trust me." 

"How can I trust you anymore? You hunt monsters, I am a monster now and you have come here end me." Katherine says as she sits on the floor of the bathroom,  leaning against the door. 

"I came to protect you from yourself, if you feed I cannot help you and you know that. What about everything you and I have been through together, you think I could just throw that away?"  Dean says, his emotions showing through his pain of feeling like she no longer trusts him. 

"I believe in us, but with what I am now I am afraid if I let myself get close to you I'll feed on you, and solidify myself as a monster forever," Katherine says while rubbing her temples trying not to concentrate on the sound of Dean's heart that thumps through her eardrums. 

"I'm going to slide this syringe under the bottom of the door Kat, since you can't face me for me to help I need you to inject it into yourself so I can get you the help you need," Dean explains as he takes the syringe full of vervain and slides it through the bottom of the door. 

Katherine grabs the tube uncapping the needle and holds it to her wrist. "Don't let this be my last moment with you" she says to Dean as she stands to unlock the door and leans on the sink before she slides the needle into her vein and plunges the syringe expelling the vervain into her system. 

Dean cracks the door open to see her start to fall and catches her head just before she hits the ground. He pulls the needle from her loose grip with one hand and tosses it into the trash across the room. He pulls a towel down from the rack above them and lays her head on it to free his hands. 

Stepping back to assess the situation he reaches for his phone to call Klaus, seeing as though he's done what he needed to do. 

The line rings twice before he picks up "I've got it done, now what" Dean says concerned about Klause's answer. 

"Now, we think about what you have of value to me for me to provide you with a solution," Klaus says devilishly knowing he has Dean right where he wants him, caught in his trap.

(Authors note) 

Hello my sweet readers, I had taken a few years off to finish school and get my life in line as so much has happened since I started writing this.  However with that being said I think this story has a lot of potential left in it. I am however working on another story outside of this that I plan on publishing as a real book once I finish so I will try to keep up with this as well. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2022 ⏰

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