33. Deal or no Deal?

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Dean woke, he looked down (he was standing up) covered in blood with a knife in his hand... he looked up to see where the blood had come from... He saw Katherine standing innocently infront of him.

"Kat" Dean whimpered... he gazed her up and down... Blood started pouring from her chest.

"You did this to me" Kat said falling to her knees gripping her chest.

Dean immediately ran to her holding her stable.

"I didn't- I didn't mean to Kat... I'm sorry stay with me"  he said turning her face to look at him straight in the eyes.

Her eyes rolled back into her head and she died.

Clapping sounded from behind Dean- he turned to see Lucifer in the darkest part of the room...

"You" Dean spat

"Hello Dean" Lucifer said- after he stopped slowly clapping.

"Why did you make me kill her?" Dean said starting to cry.

"I was looking for your weakest spot.. and I believe I have just found it." Lucifer said.

"No..." Dean said knowing what Lucifer would make him do over and over again.

"Yes, your on my playground now" Lucifer said popping his neck from side to side quickly.

Dean turned back around to see that Katherine was no longer there... he thought of how real she seemed but how fake those moments were.

Dean threw the knife he had killed "fake" Katherine with, it went straight into Lucifer's heart.. Lucifer looked down and pulled it out...

"Hmm... funny you did that... your girl upstairs, she's making a deal with Crowley- to get you out of here and her in. Love is so strange, I mean I will just make her kill you repetitively until she gives up and then I will actually start doing damage to  her. " Lucifer said with a smile like it was no big deal.

"You dirty bastard" Dean hissed shaking his head....

"She would never do something like that." Dean said seriously.

"Well, just to be sure lets take a look" Lucifer clapped his hands loudly once and a hole appeared in the floor- it was like t.v. but actually reality...

"Why would you want me in the pit anyway?" Katherine snarled from the hospital bed at Crowley

"Because- your precious little Dean is being ripped to shreds and having to kill you with a knife... and will until he breaks everything human-like in him." Crowley explained.

"Liar" Katherine spit at him

"Take a look love" Crowley said pointing at the small t.v. in the top corner of the hospital room.

Dean appeared on the small screen... Katherine watched as blood gushed out of her own body (so it seemed) and Dean ran to her.... He had killed her... well- the imaginary her anyway. she thought quietly to herself.

~ Hell~

Dean watched as Katherine locked eyes with the t.v. screen in the hospital room... he watched her shutter at the sight of his face... she had just watched him kill her imaginary self.


Katherine threw a pillow at Crowley, he just chuckled...

"Feisty" he said with a smirk on his face.

"Oh rot in hell" Katherine said looking away from him and back at the screen, which was playing over and over again.

"Dean... I'm so sorry...." she said looking at the screen. she had no idea that Dean was actually watching this... but she just wanted to say it.

"So Deal or no Deal?" Crowley persisted.

"For Dean..." Kat said.

"Yes, for the love of your life... Dean Winchester" Crowley said trying to seem sentimental

"Deal." Katherine said standing up walking over to Crowley.

Crowley raised his eyebrows at Katherine surprised that she was coming to him  with courage in her eyes...

Katherine closed her eyes as Crowley sealed the deal with a kiss.... which Crowley enjoyed too much...


Dean screamed at the hole in the floor.... "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" He said hearing Katherine- his Katherine make a deal with Crowley.

"That didn't take long" Lucifer remarked looking over again to see Crowley sealing the deal..

"Oh look..." Lucifer said ( Dean had looked away)

Dean turned around to see a close up of Crowley kissing his woman...

"I swear... I'll kill him" Dean hissed.... then the hole closed up.

(Hey guys.... sooooooo what did you think?)

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