11. Pie - enough said...

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Katherine knew very well that he didn't mean to hurt her feelings- it wasn't his fault that he was so damn attractive she thought to herself silently.

"So where to after this?" Katherine asked changing the subject since it was become quite emotional.

"I would like it to be "later" " Dean said leaning back in the booth throwing his arm over the back of the booth as he smirked and sipped his Corona while looking her up an down darkly.

Katherine shivered- he was just looking at her but he still controlled her so very well as he had done through out high school.  

"Maybe later" Katherine said drinking her coffee black wondering why he wanted her so bad.

Dean raised his brows and then went back to drinking.

The waitress came back with their burgers, "two bacon burgers with everything on them" she said setting them down and then leaving abruptly

"Well at least she didn't mess with me again " Katherine commented putting down her coffee cup and picking up her burger..

From across the table she watched Dean bite into the burger- he looked up at her with puppy dog eyes... he swallowed

"I just bit into heaven" he said enjoying the burger. Soon after Katherine bit into hers- she had forgotten how good this diner was.

When they had both finished their burgers Katherine looked over at Dean and asked " You up for pie?"

Dean nodded- "When am I not?" he said smiling wiping his mouth as she had done earlier.

The waitress had checked on them twice but now she came and removed their plates.

"Can I get you two anything else before the check?" she asked

"Apple Pie" Dean and Katherine said in unison- the waitress smirked being able to tell the two were a couple.

"Perfect I'll be back with a few slices." She said trotting off with their plates.

An older woman brought them their pie by  - "Its so nice to see a lovely young couple sitting down and having a nice lunch." she commented serving them.

"Yes, we're newly weds actually" Dean said reaching across the table grabbing Katherine's hand.

Katherine turned twenty shades of red.

Just shut up...(Dean Winchester Romance)Where stories live. Discover now