9. Another Hunter

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The dismissal bell rang- leaving Katherine, Dean and the professor together in the rather large lecture room.

"Well Mr. Damon- I am glad to see that you have found such a lovely young lady like Ms. Tower but I believe you dropped something earlier.. a journal"

Deans eyes went down to see his coat in one hand and his fathers journal missing...  "My dad's journal..." Dean hissed under his breath.

"So can you please explain to me Mr. Winchester- or shall I call you Dean? As to why there are things in this journal that would generally get people sent to mental institutes or jail." The quick professor said.

Katherine's jaw would have been on the floor if it wasn't for what Dean said sharply back..

"Alaric Saltzman- like the vampire hunter?" Dean asked harshly not liking that the professor still had his journal.

The professor smiled... "Hello Dean" he said extending his hand - Dean took it and shook it, but not before he snagged his journal back in the other hand.

"I take it you two know each other." Katherine said looking between the two men.

"How could I not know him- we knew each other at the orphanage when dad went off... he was like an older brother. Our dad's got stuck on a trip together before we met Kat." Dean explained shaking his head looking at the professor (Alaric) Dean couldn't believe that he hadn't recognized Alaric, he was taller and had buffed out just fine he thought to himself.

"Dean and I got back on our feet together, we actually use to be in wrestling in high school." Alaric said smiling as he moved to behind his desk and sat down looking up at the two.

"So Katherine, are you and Dean actually getting married?" Alaric asked Katherine with eager eyes.

"He wishes" she said biting her lip looking over at Dean who licked his lips jokingly.

Alaric nodded "All apart of the plan ehh Damon?" He asked laughing at what Dean had been calling himself. 

Dean rolled his eyes amusingly - "Sorry- didn't want to blow my cover... anyway how the hell did you end up here?" Dean questioned him interested now about what had happened after high school.

"I decided to go on and pursue my dream so, I settled down with a beautiful woman and I came home late one night from my last college class and saw a man ripping her throat out." Alaric said harshly- now gripping his chair for comfort, it was obvious he wasn't over it yet.

Dean rubbed his scuffle on his face, "Vampire I take it" Dean said.

"Yes, and so I decided I was going to hunt vampires, met a few hunters and here we are- I finished doctorate school and this is my second year of teaching." Alaric said back.

"Im sorry to hear that about your wife... it must have been rough." Katherine commented.

Alaric nodded "It was, I moved away from Duke and my car broke down here- perfect right? I mean its supernaturally active and this is an elite school." he said.

"I never would have decided to live here (in South Carolina) if it hadn't have been waiting on something... I just knew I couldn't leave just yet so enrolled here and here we are." Katherine said

"I'm glad you didn't leave- you were already hell to track down." Dean said

"Well Dean- it had been nice chatting with you but I must finish grading these tests unfortunately." Alaric said shooing the couple out of his doors.

"That was pleasant." Katherine said as they stepped outside into the sunshine.

"I told you I would play nice" Dean said putting his arm around her waist, grabbing the keys out of her pocket playfully.

"Hey!" Katherine shouted as he ran off like a child playing tag.

"What are you ganna do about it?" he asked his eyes darkening with a wicked smile.

"Oh I can think of a few things..." Katherine said matching his gaze with hers.

Dean waved his eye brows at her, twirling her key-ring on his finger as he backed up slowly- eventually feeling himself pressed up against the back end of her car.

Katherine walked over to him seductively looking him up and down- teasing him with her gaze. When she got over to him she put a hand around his neck and pulled his head down so she could speak in his ear... "Give me my keys and ill make this worth your time" she said darkly into his ear in a prominent tone.  She let go of him and backed away holding her right hand out awaiting the placement of her car keys.

Dean thought it over.... Drive or "Later" .... He liked the sound of " later " more than just driving her car.  

Authors note:

Hey guys! Message me and give me advice about where this should go/what should happen! It would really help me ha-ha! :P Vote, Comment below, Follow me, or add me to our library! (hey hey- that rhymes! XD ) Love you guys! ~Katherine

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