Chapter 34- Time Skip Pt. 2

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I'm lying in bed cuddling with Felix. Being a king is fucking exhausting. "Do you think this trade deal with Canada is gonna work out?" I asked him.

"I'm positive it will, don't worry about it. Is Aria doing alright?" he asked.

"I hope so, she seemed like she was in pain earlier. I was with her a few hours ago and she said she felt like she was being lethally squeezed," I said.

"You don't think she-?"

"I'm not sure. That's why we need to stay awake as long as possible." All of a sudden, my phone rang. "It's Aria," I said, picking it up. Felix looked at me concerned, as I answered the phone.

"Hello? Is everything alright?" I asked. My eyes went wide and my mouth dropped. "Are you serious? Yes he's here! Alright, we're coming right now!" I hung up the phone and threw on my robe. "Felix we've got to go see Aria right now!" I rushed.

"Why what's wrong?!" he asked, throwing on his robe.

"She's going into labor!"

"Wait right now?! I thought she wasn't due for another two days?!" he panicked.

"Well I guess the baby decided on a preview!" I picked up my phone and dialed Marianne. "Marianne, get the doctor now! Aria's going into labor!"

"Already on it Baker!" she said through the phone. Felix and I ran out of our room. We sprinted down the corridors at full speed, rushing to the room Aria was staying in.

I know what you're thinking. "Aria got pregnant?!" Yes she did. And I'm guessing you're wondering who the dad is. Well, it's me, and Felix. No we didn't have sex with her. Around a year after we got married, we decided that we wanted kids, so we started looking at fertility options. We couldn't find a suitable surrogate, so Aria offered to carry the baby for us. Felix was the sperm donor, and we had a random egg donor. Now it looks like Aria is about to have our child.

We barged into the room, where Aria was sprawled on the bed. She was sweating like crazy and she was breathing heavily. She looked like she was in a lot of pain.

"Aria! Are you alright?!" I asked, concerned.

"I'm fine, but the baby is on its way as we speak," she panted. "Where's the doctor?!"

"Marianne's bringing her now, she should be on her way," Felix tried to console her. Aria was screaming in pain. How long until Marianne gets here? Right as I thought that, she rushed in with the doctor. As the door swung open, I noticed a large crowd of people outside. They must have heard that Aria's giving birth and came to witness it. I could tell all the commotion was stressing her out. I ran over to the door and slammed it shut, which seemed to quiet down the room.

"Aria how are you feeling?" Marianne asked.

"Like a bowling ball is ripping my vagina in half!" she screamed, taking even larger breaths. Sweat was dripping down her face, as she writhed with pain.

"Is there anything you need?" Felix asked concerned.

"Some apple juice and Oreo cookies would be splendid," she cried. Marianne rushed over to the door, and opened it.

"Someone get me some apple juice and Oreos NOW!" she demanded. The people outside scrambled around trying to get food for Aria. Felix was clutching her hand, as she squeezed it tightly. Felix was obviously feeling pain because Aria was basically crushing his hand.

"Ouch! You're hurting me!" he exclaimed. She looked at him and rolled her eyes.

"Sorry, I was unaware I was hurting you while I'M PUSHING YOUR BABY OUT OF ME!" she yelled.

"You men are clueless," Marianne said pushing Felix and I to the side. She kneeled beside Aria's bed, and took her hand into hers. "You're doing great, just keep going," she comforted. She was amazing with this thing. Almost as if she had experience with this sort of thing. "WHERE THE FUCK IS THE APPLE JUICE AND OREOS?! IT SHOULD NOT TAKE THIS LONG," Marianne screamed. I was too scared to say anything, I ran back to the door and opened it. Almost immediately, a glass of apple juice and a large pack of Oreos were shoved in my hands. I rushed over to the bed, handing Marianne the food. She opened the Oreos and handed one to Aria who damn near swallowed it whole. She did that one by one until the whole pack of cookies was nothing left except a wrapper. There weren't even any crumbs to be found. She snatched the glass of apple juice from Mariannes hands and gulped the whole thing down. I stared at her astonished.

"Please get this baby out of me," Aria cried.

"Milady, are you ready to start pushing?" the doctor asked.

"Yes, I am," she replied. The doctor put her gloves on and positioned her hands in what looked like a position to catch a football. I'm not even sure if that's right, but she's the expert I guess.

"Push!" she said. Aria let out a loud grunt, as she scrunched her face. Marianne continued to squeeze her hand.

"You've got this Aria!" she encouraged her.

"Push!" the doctor ordered again. Aria let out another push before pausing once again. She took more breaths and pushed once more. I could see the pain on her face.

"You're doing great!" I encouraged her. She pushed once again, grunting. This time I could see a small bit of skin poking out. "Aria you're so close!" She let out another push. This time it was a big push. The whole head was exposed.

"You're almost there! One more big push," the doctor said. I held onto Felix. This was the moment of truth. The moment we were going to meet our child. Aria pushed one more time, as hard as she could, letting out a loud scream. All of a sudden, the screaming stopped and was replaced with the sound of a baby crying. I looked at the doctor and in her hands she held a small, newborn child. "Congratulations! It's a girl!" she said, holding it.

"Felix! She's here!" I cheered. I made my way over to the doctor as she dried her off. "Hello there little princess," I cooed, softly gripping one of her tiny hands. A smile crept across my face with the realization that I met my daughter for the first time. I never loved anything as much as this little person. Felix came over next to me, taking her other hand in his.

"She's so beautiful," he beamed. I turned to thank Aria but she was passed out in the bed. "Uh is she alright?" I asked Marianne, pointing.

"She's asleep," she laughed. "Childbirth is exhausting," she said standing up. "Now move over! I want to meet my goddaughter already!" she grinned. She stood over her, completely infatuated with her. "She's darling!" Marianne planted a soft kiss on her forehead.

"Which one of the dads would like to cut the umbilical cord?" the doctor asked. I looked at Felix, smiling.

"I think you should," I suggested. He smiled back at me, kissing me. He took a pair of scissors out of the doctor's hands, and with her help, he snipped the umbilical cord off. The doctor swaddled the baby with a blanket before handing her to me. I was completely in love. I would do anything for her, anything to protect her. I would only give her the absolute best, and nothing less.

"So what's her name?" Marianne asked. Felix and I exchanged a look of uncertainty. We never thought of any names we wanted; not even whether the baby was a boy or a girl. I looked down at my daughter and she opened her eyes for the first time. When she opened her eyes, I saw nothing except that beautiful shade of lavender. The exact same color that was in Felix's eyes. The same color I fell in love with. The same color that I just now fell in love with once again.

"Her name is Lavender," I said, handing her to Felix. Felix looked down at her, putting his nose against hers.

"Hello Lavender," he swooned. He passed her to Marianne.

"Lavender, you're my gorgeous little girl aren't you," she spoke, completely enamored with her. she handed her back to me. I stared down at her: the girl who was my whole reason to live.

It's funny to think about how all of this started. I pledged my service to the royal family. But through some miracle, I married the prince and became a king. Now I'm a father. This girl will be the queen of Elodia one day. I need to do everything in my power to protect her. Elodia will be as safe as possible and I won't allow anyone to threaten our family. She needs me and I need her. I'll always be at her service.

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