Chapter 1- The Day

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What day is it? I reached for my pocket, digging my phone out.

Tuesday, May 27th. I blink my eyes twice, making sure I'm not losing it. 2024, I'm in the right year.

So today is the day. It's surreal to me. It's the day I've been waiting for. I finally get to pledge my service to the royal family. Tears sting my eyes; dad would be so proud. So fucking proud.

I leave my quarters and I wander down the corridors of the palace. Light fluttered through each window, leading a trail to the room I'd be in later: the throne room. My phone chimed.

Marianne: Big day! Do you need help with anything?

I smiled, lightly tapping the keys rapidly.

Me: Nah I'm good thanks tho.

I'm lying, but she already knows that. Marianne has been my best friend as long as I can even remember. She knows me better than anyone.

Marianne: What evs I'm coming anyways lmao. I finished all my chores for rn.

I chuckled as I dropped my phone into my pocket. She didn't need to say another word, I already knew where she was: the garden. It's where we always go, and Florent will probably be there.

I made my way to the back exit of the palace, my shoes tapped against the cobblestone path which led to the garden. Rows of flowers caught my eye. Each row was perfectly lined up, the petals placed exactly symmetrical to each other. The work of Florent no doubt, their perfectionist ass.

Me: Florent's here.

Marianne: Obviously.

I made my way to the back, brushing past the flowers. The aroma of the flowers wafted throughout the air, which made my cheeks naturally red. Florent did a damn good job arranging these.

I saw Marianne sitting at the edge of the riverbank, her hair shone in the sunlight.

"Marianne," I called out. She turned her head, a faint smile occupied her face.

"Baker, would you care to join me?" she asked sarcastically.

"I'd be honored," I responded.

"Oh cut the bullshit and sit your ass down," she laughed. I join her, running my fingers through the water. We sat in silence for a moment, words weren't necessary. She already knew every thought that was running through my mind.

"How are you feeling?" she asked finally. I took a deep breath, trying to act as cool as possible.

"I feel fine," I forced out.


"What do you mean?"

"What I just said. That's bullshit." Damn. I can't ever hide anything from her.

"How do you know?"

"You're absolutely terrible at lying," she cackled. I look out at the river, gathering my surroundings, as I took a deep breath. I checked my phone again, 12:50. Usually around this time I'd be in my quarters watching an episode of The Real Housewives of Atlanta. I fucking love watching Nene. But today it's different. Today is the day that everything changes.

"I dunno," I said. "It's hard to know what to expect."

"You're dad would be really happy y'know." My eyes went wide for a second. I regain my mellow facade choking back tears. My dad was the king's retainer, the best damn retainer they'd ever seen. But then the war happened... and Elodia was invaded.

"I'll see you after I drive these bastards out of here," he boasted confidently. That was the last time I saw him. Him and the king both died. Slaughtered like farm animals preparing to be eaten.

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