Chapter 23- Aria's Narrative

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I know you're probably used to Baker telling the story up to this point. But what do you expect him to do? Tell you about him being incarcerated in the dungeon? Absolutely not. It's time for me, Aria, to take over this story. The queen sentenced Baker to death. I couldn't let him die, I just couldn't.

After the trial, I stayed in the throne room for a little while, thinking about what I could possibly do to help Baker. He's done too much for me. The queen and Mila had both left, and everyone else went back to work. I was in the throne room by myself, thinking. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed something on the floor. I look and I see a phone. An iPhone 12. It looked like Baker's. He must have dropped it when the guards took him away.

I walked over and picked it up off the ground. How could anyone have missed this? My outfit doesn't have any pockets, so I placed it in the only other place I could think of: my bra. I need to find the queen. If there's any chance I could convince her to release I Baker, I needed to take it. If I remembered correctly, Mila said they had an event to attend, and they would be leaving around four. It's around eleven right now, so I have to find her. Felix hasn't been out of his room all day. I'm unsure whether that is a choice or if he's being kept there, held captive. I exit the throne room, trying my hardest to think of where the queen could possibly be. Her schedule is quite busy so she's a hard person to catch.

I start down the hallway, beginning my search in the first place I could possibly think of, her room. The queen's room is strictly off-limits, however, I push open the doors. She likes me, I doubt she'd care. Her room, it was like a palace within the palace. It was quite large, a crystal chandelier hung from the ceiling. I made my way over to her bed, it was elegant. Solid gold accentuated the headboard and the legs of the bed. Behind her bed was a portrait of her, and what looked to be the king. She looked serious, which contrasted the kind nature of the king. I noticed a piece of paper. I opened it, the top of the page read "Monette's Agenda". My eyes go wide reading through the list of things. Half of which have been checked off already.

"Aria my darling, is that you?" I hear someone call from behind me. I fold the paper quickly, and stuff it into my bra, along with Baker's phone. I turn around, as the queen enters. "What are you doing here?" she asked.

"I was looking for you your highness," I answered. "I wanted to talk to you about the trial... ." Her face sours.

"Go on," she said. I couldn't tell if she was commanding me or generally intrigued by what I had to say.

"Well, I wanted to ask you about your verdict," I started.

"What about it?" she asked, suspicious. I took a deep breath, concentrating.

"Why execution? That seems quite excessive. Especially for something such as an affair," an affair which I am honestly ecstatic about.

"He raped and kidnapped my son," she argued. No he didn't. He said so himself that they snuck out, and Felix willingly had sex with him.

"But, your highness, Baker said out of his own lips that they snuck out and Felix consented to it. I honestly don't think you have any right in executing him," I announced. She looked at me stunned, almost unable to speak. "You don't have to blame yourself. It isn't your fault or Felix's. Baker must be manipulating both of you. I understand you are thankful for his service, but I shall see to it that an end is put to his grasp on this family," she responded. Did she just try to gaslight me? She is evil!

"If I might ask, have you heard Felix's account of what happened?" I challenged.

"Why would I need to? I already am aware of the events that took place. Felix has no idea what happened, and he has no opinion."

"Felix is seventeen, near eighteen. He is more than capable of making sound decisions. If he is gay, as his mother, it is your job to support him. In your heart, you know what you are doing is wrong. I beg you, fix this. Do not send Baker to his death," I declared.

"Obviously, he has you wrapped around his finger. Don't worry, we'll be rid of him in the hours to come. I have decided, you will stay in Felix's room. Perhaps, you'll find more comfort before the wedding. Now I have something I must attend to, would you please show yourself out," she dismissed me. How? Just how could a person be so... so... manipulative and stubborn. Obviously, if I want Baker's life spared, I'll have to take matters into my own hands. And I know the exact person to help me do so.

. . .

I'm at Felix's door with all my belongings. He is unaware that I will be sleeping in his room. I knock on his door. He opens it, and looked at me confused.

"Do you need something?" he asked. I pushed past him, setting my stuff inside his room. "Woah! What are you doing?!" he exclaimed. 

"Your mother said she wanted me to stay in here from now on with you. She probably wants me to turn you straight," I respond. He sighed, closing the door. "You've been in here all day? Why?"

"I just didn't feel like leaving," he replied, plainly, crawling into his bed.

"Well you should have at least been at the trial," I argued. "We have to help Baker."

"There's nothing I can do. I can't exactly persuade my mother to do anything, believe me I've tried many times before," he said.

"I can't believe you right now. Don't you have any care in the world for him?"

"Of course I do! I'm just powerless. I can't do anything about his situation except wait for things to get better," he retorted.

"You don't understand. Things won't be getting better for him at all!"

"What do you mean...?" he asked heavily.

"Your mother sentenced him to be executed at sunrise," I announce. His eyes go wide, his face sank into fear and sadness.

"No..." he cried. "She can't. She wouldn't."

"She would. I've already tried reasoning with her. She won't budge," I informed him. He wiped his eyes.

"Baker can't die. I-i..."

"You love him."

"How did you know?" he asked, looking at me.

"The way you talk about him. It's as if you'd do anything for him. You claim you see him as your friend but I know there's more there. You love him Felix. Which is perfect because you and I clearly don't love each other," I sat down next to him, trying to comfort him.

"He's the only other person I've fallen in love with. After Beau... ." I rest his head on my lap, and let his tears fall. "Even if I do love Baker, I can't do anything," he sighed.

"You have to. The future of Elodia depends on your actions right now. You hold the destiny of Elodia within the palm of your hand," I pull out the list from inside my bra, unfolding it so Felix could see.

Monette's Agenda (08/09/21)

-  Marry Felix to Princess Aria Regal of Po'fei. With him on the throne, I can continue to lead the country behind the scenes convincing him to establish things I wish for.


- Execute Baker Kingsly. An unexpected setback, however I shall use this to my advantage. If I have him executed, Felix will be too devastated and traumatized oppose me. 

"The queen has been manipulating you for years," I express. "Will you forever be a pawn in her grand scheme? Or will you rebel? To save the future of Elodia, I need to save Baker, and to do that I need your help." He sat up, wiping tears away from his face.

"Tell me what we need to do."

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