Chapter 19- Elodia

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I'm waiting in the lobby. The big, empty lobby. Felix should be down here in a little bit. It's nighttime, I told Felix I would sneak him out. Marianne and Florent have my back. What I'm doing is really dangerous, especially because I'm not particularly on Monette's good side right now.

Monette called me this morning, and scolded me about how 'I could have killed him'. I tried to defend myself by saying he tried to stab me, but this bitch wouldn't even listen. Thank god her sibling are gone. From what I heard, Lance spent the night in the hospital but they were flown out this morning.

I hear the tapping of shoes against the marble floor. I look behind me and see Felix, dressed, not like a prince, but like a regular person. He was wearing some ripped skinny jeans, black vans, and a form fitting shirt which really highlighted his slightly toned physique. Damn he looked so hot. "Are you ready to go?" he asked.

"Almost," I respond. He looks at me, confused.

"Did you forget something?" I shook my head. I hold out a pair of sunglasses, and a hat. "What are these for?" he asked. 

"To hide your identity. I mean you're the prince of the country. If you went out showing your face, everyone would know who you were," I laugh. He shrugs putting the items on. We exit the palace, and enter into the downtown area. There are lights everywhere, Felix wants to see and do everything. It's really cute actually.

We hit Potsworth Boulevard where a lot of nightclubs are. Of course Felix and I couldn't actually get in, but the music was so loud you could hear it clearly from outside. We decided to have our own clubbing session outside, which earned a few suspicious looks. But gradually, more people began dancing with us. Before we knew it, there was an entire crowd of people taking up the entire front entrance, partying to their heart's content. It started getting a little cramped, I grabbed his hand. I felt a jolt of electricity fly through me in that moment. We push our way out of the crowd and start walking.

"I'm thirsty," Felix panted.

"I know a bar we can go to," I suggest.

"Aren't we too young to drink?" he responded. I smile mischievously. 

"Maybe, but I know a way we can get drinks. And for free too," Felix laughs, excited to explore.

"Let's go then!" he exclaimed. We walked over to LeBlanc Street, at the end of the block. The same place Mila and I went before. We enter the bar, seating ourselves at the far end. The same bartender from before approaches us.

"May I see some ID please?" he asked.

"We aren't 19," I said.

"Then I'm afraid I have to ask you to-"

"BUT if you serve us, I'll put in a good word with Mila. Maybe I'll convince her to go out with you," I offer. I can see him blush, obviously I've got his attention.

"Fine, since both of you are 'nineteen', what can I get you?" he sighed.

"I'll have a scotch whiskey," Felix says. He looks at me.

"I'd like another mango margarita," I add on. He nods his head.

"That'll be $44.86," he responds. $44?! We got it free last time! But then again, Mila was with me.

"Any chance this is on the house?" I asked. He shook his head, waiting for some cash or card or something.

"Don't worry, it's on me," Felix chimes in, handing him a card. "It's the least I can do to thank you for taking me out tonight," he gushes.

"Is that your mom's card?" I asked. He shook his head.

"I have my own money actually."

"From your OnlyFans?" I laughed, causing him to blush.

"How did you know about that?" he whispered. 

"Florent told me. I'm pretty sure they're subscribed," I smile. The bartender comes back with our drinks. Felix takes a sip of his, before speaking.

"Elodia is beautiful. There's so much of it I haven't seen," he says quietly. "How can I expect to be king if I barely know the country I'm to rule over?"

"I'm sure you'll be an excellent king," I reply, taking a sip of my drink. He smiles, but it soon fades.

"My father, he left quite a legacy. He was loved by everyone, and he loved all of his subjects. He was pure, and generous, he was always thinking of ways to give back to the people. I loved him more than anyone else."

"Where you and him close?" He nods his head.

"We were best friends. I remember one time he told me 'I'll always love you son. It doesn't matter what you do or who you are, I'm always with you'," he recalled. I can hear it in his voice, he's getting a little emotional. "I begged him to come with us. I wanted him to flee with us so bad, but he refused. He refused to abandon his people, so he stayed at the palace... where he was killed," he sniffed. I... I remember that day. That was the day when my dad died alongside the king. A day I will never forget.

"I... remember," I said, holding back my emotions.

"Your father was my father's retainer. I have very few memories of him, but he was always so brave and so tough," he smiled. I smiled back, thinking of all the times I had with my dad. I missed him everyday. "Do you have a mother?" he asked. I shook my head.

"I never knew mine. My mom died after she gave birth to me," I answered. "Ever since I was born it was me and my dad, well... until he died." We both sat in silence, not exactly sure what to say. I raise my glass. "Cheers to dead parents?" I say, attempting to lighten the mood. Felix raises his glass, smiling.

"Cheers!" he clinks his glass with mine, downing the rest of his drink. I do the same, chugging every last drop of mine. I let out a loud burp, covering my mouth, embarrassed.

"Let's get out of here."

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