Chapter 3- Royal Meeting

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Last night was fucking amazing. I know I probably should've went to sleep earlier but I stayed up until around 4 am celebrating. Which, in hindsight, wasn't the smartest decision since today was my first day on the job. I was fucking exhausted, practically holding my eyes open. But my room was incredible. It's like 2 times larger than my old quarters, and so much more spacious. One side of my room had a large circular window, so the natural lighting was incredible, mystical even. I've got a big increase closet space too. If that's just where I stay, I wonder what the royal rooms look like.

Today is the first time I'm going to meet -or re-meet- the prince. I'm a little anxious, I haven't seen him in seven years. I'm supposed to meet Mila in the wardrobe, where we, him, and the queen are supposed to be.

Mila: Where are you?

Me: I'm on the way.

Mila: Hurry, the Queen and the Prince are going to be here any second.

I sped up my walking, though the wardrobe wasn't too far from my room. When I arrived, Mila was inside waiting. 

"How long until they get here?" I asked. She shrugged, turning to the door remaining silent. I followed her lead instinctively. She's been the queen's retainer for like five years now, she knew what she was doing. 

I heard the tapping of heels outside of the wardrobe. The movements were slow, and rhythmic. The queen's no doubt. Strangely, I didn't hear a second pair of footsteps, how strange. Queen Monette entered alone.

"Good morning your majesty," Mila said.

"Good morning Mila," she responded.

"Good morning your majesty," I interjected. She looked at me, obviously she could tell I was confused. "Where is the Prince?" I asked.

"Felix was supposed to come here with me. However, he has requested that you meet him in his quarters," she asserted.

"May I ask why? Did he provide a reason?" Mila looks at me shocked.

"I don't know why my son refused to meet you here," she sighed. "And never question anything the royalty of Elodia say again." I feel a twinge of discomfort in my body. She spoke in such a calm tone, yet still so demanding. Like a cat playing with its food.

"I'm sorry your majesty. It won't happen again." I apologized.

"I should hope not," she sniffed looking at Mila. "Please visit my son's room. His quarters are in the East wing on the fourth floor."

"Yes your majesty," I said exiting the room. Jeez, she was different from last night. A little bitchy  to be honest. Maybe she hadn't slept well. My phone rang.

Mila: Never ever EVER question the queen like that again!

Trust me, I won't make that mistake again. 

I arrived at the Prince's room. The door was gargantuan, gold plated on the sides and on the handle. His name was engraved on a gold plate next to the door. I took a deep breath, knocking on the door, three times, as I recalled what Florent said to me about him.

"If you ever get to go to his room, knock on the door three times," they told me. How they knew this info? I have no fucking idea.

"Come in," someone called from inside. I turned the handle and pushed the door open. I walked in, the room was larger than I could've ever imagined. A window let sunlight in from the side of the room. The rays fluttered through the room and refracted off of a titanic sized chandelier which hung from the center of the ceiling causing the area to be bathed in a heavenly light. I saw someone staring out the window, it must be Felix.

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