Chapter 33- Time Skip Pt. 1

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Two years goes by fast. So many things happened between now and Felix's coronation. Where should I even start?

After Felix's coronation, Aria decided to return home to Po'fei with her sisters. She's still in close contact with Felix and I, but from what I hear she's doing amazing! When she returned home, she finally stood up to her parents and told them she wasn't marrying until she's ready. She decided to leave home and move out to LA to do her own thing and, maybe, find her long lost sister. Finally, she was able to move past her stoic nature and become more expressive; her personality is actually super extroverted. Of course because of her looks, and newfound personality, she was instantly popular with the people there. She actually managed to land her own reality show, and I see her in the blogs every week attending some event. She's a huge celebrity.

Speaking of celebrities, Mila's made a huge name for herself in the fashion industry. Kiyoshi was right, she's perfect for modeling, and as her protégé she's soaring. She's been on the covers of so many magezines like Vogue, Sports Illustrated, Elle, and Allure just to name a few. Besides editorials, she's a huge runway success modeling for literally every designer brand you could ever dream of.

Even though Florent took over for the royal gardener, they opened their own floral shop. Florent's eye for beauty, and color composition has made his floral arrangements famous throughout the city. He's actually opening his own floral exhibit at the art museum.

Marianne took over as the official head of palace staff. Without her, the palace definitely wouldn't be able to run as smoothly as it does now. After the queen's death, the whole place was nearly thrown into chaos. If she hadn't stepped in and whipped everyone into shape, the palace would have gone fucking insane. Although I will say, she runs the palace with a no nonsense attitude, so you definitely don't want to catch her on a bad day.

Felix has been an amazing king so far. He's removed any trace of any anti-LGBT laws that the queen might have still had in place. He's negotiated trade deals with many big nations, and Elodia is quickly becoming a well known country across the globe. And the public? They adore him! Everywhere he goes he's surrounded with chants and cheers. People shouting "long live the king!" all day. He's set to go down in history as the greatest ruler of Elodia.

As for myself, even though I'm Felix's boyfriend I'm still his retainer. Although these days I do a lot less retaining. Most of my time I spend with Felix, whether it's just sitting around with him enjoying each other's company or attending some fabulous event with him. Today though, I haven't really seen him. He actually told me to meet him at the beach at nine. Well, it's now nine thirty and he's nowhere to be found. I whipped out my phone and shoot him a quick text.

Me: Where are you??

Felix: Sorry, I'm running a little late! I'm on my way right now.

I'm standing at the beachfront. The same beachfront where we got caught fucking. It's almost nostalgic to think about it. Even if it did lead to me being exiled for a few months, I don't regret that it happened. If you think about it, none of us would be where we are today if that didn't happen.

I looked out into the waves, taking in the salty smell of the sea, allowing myself to be at peace with everything.

Someone practically tackled me from behind, scaring me. I already knew it was Felix.

"You're so goofy," I laughed pulling him in front of me. He giggled, with a smile, planting a soft kiss on my nose.

"Sorry I'm late, dinner with Queen Elizabeth ran a tad longer than I anticipated," he said.

"I wish you would have let me come with you," I responded. "Why did you want to meet here? Is something wrong?" I asked. He shook his head.

"I just wanted to spend some quality time with my boyfriend. Is that a crime?" he teased.

"If the crime is being a great boyfriend then yes," I joked. "Beach walk?" I asked.

"Of course," he replied. We slipped off our shoes and socks as we started off down the beachfront. I gripped his hand. We walked through the waves, as the water kept gently caressing our feet. "How was dinner?" I asked.

"The queen can talk for hours!" Felix laughed. "But she's delightful."

"I'm still mad you wouldn't let me meet her," I joked.

"Actually, she was disappointed you weren't there. She wanted to meet you as well," he laughed.

"See I told you that you should have let me come. Dumbass," I lightly bumped him. He retaliated by splashing me with water. "But besides the queen, how was your day?"

"Honestly, quite booked and stressful. I'm glad I get to relax and spend some time with you now." We continued walking. We reached a part of the beach that didn't have anyone occupying it.

"You remember two years ago? When they caught us fucking on this beach?" I asked.

"How could I forget," Felix replied. "Even if I wanted to I couldn't possibly forget that moment."

"If you think about it. The only reason we're in this moment right now is because of all the things that happened then," I mused.

"I think so too. If it wasn't for that moment, my mother would most likely still be alive. Only, she'd be ruling Elodia from the background and I would be in a loveless marriage with Aria," he added. Felix suddenly stopped walking. "I need to talk to you."

"What about?"

"Ever since we started our affairs, you have been the most important person in my life. There's no doubt that I wouldn't be where I am today without you here. I love you more than life itself, you are everything to me," he professed.

"You mean the world to me too Felix," I blushed. This is sudden. I haven't heard him speak like this since the night of his coronation.

"That's also why I can't allow you to be my retainer anymore." Wait what?! Did he just fire me?!

"What?! Why?!" I cried. Suddenly he dug into his pocket, and pulled out a small box.

"Because, I want you to be in the Elodian royal family," he smiled. He opened the box, revealing a shiny silver ring, which was lined with diamonds on the outside. My jaw dropped, I couldn't believe my eyes.

"Felix are you saying-?!"

"Yes, Baker I want you to marry me. Will you be my husband?"

"Yes! Fuck yes! Of course I will!" I cried. Felix took the ring and slid it onto my ring finger. I stared at the shiny ring on my finger, marveled by its beauty. "So wait what does this mean?"

"This means that you are going to be King Baker Aiura of Elodia," he smiled. I don't care about being king as long as I get to be with Felix. What a dream come true.

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