Chapter 24- Escape Feels Like Exile

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If you're wondering what the dungeon feels like, it fucking sucks ass. It's cold and leaky. It smells like a thousand people died and then took the worlds fattest shit afterwards. So this is how it ends? I never thought I'd be executed. In some ways I suppose I deserve it, I should have never messed around with Felix. But, I can't help but think about him. How is he doing? How is he feeling? I can't get him off my mind.

The guard here is, for lack of better words, lazy. He doesn't do anything except text, play games, and nap. I haven't had anything to eat in hours. I'm beginning to feel dizzy, and lightheaded. I could kill for some Burger King right now. Honestly, I've accepted my fate. Death is inevitable for everyone, mines just happened to be coming quicker than I thought. Quicker than I wanted. On the bright side, at least I'll be with dad in a better place. Honestly, I've just about given up hope that anything will happen.

There's no windows in here, I have no idea what time it is. There's no way to escape. A man enters the dungeon, stopping in front of my cell. He was slender, needle-like. His face was pinched inward. "I am the executioner," he informed me. "I have come to ask you what your preferred method of execution is."

"What are my options?" I asked.

"Death by lethal injection, gunshot, hanging, or drowning," he listed. Jeez, all of those sound painful. I definitely don't want to hang or drown. I don't like needles, so gunshot seems like the best option.

"Gunshot I guess," I sighed, depressed. He checked his watch, smiling sinisterly.

"The current time is 1:20, your execution is scheduled for 6 AM," he snarled.

"On the contrary," a voice says entering the room, "you are to release him at once." It's dark so I can barely make out a silhouette, but it looked and sounded like Aria. And next to her, it looked like Felix.

"Who the hell are you?" the executioner snarled.

"Princess Aria Regal of Po'fei."

"And Prince Felix Aiura," he added. I almost welled up with tears hearing Felix's voice. The executioner immediately turned around, dropping to one knee.

"Forgive milord and milady," he apologized.

"The queen told us to inform you that Baker shall be exiled, not executed," Aria stated.

"But his execution is in a few hours," the executioner argued.

"Well my mother has decided that exile was a far more reasonable punishment, he is to be released at once!" Felix demanded.

"But milord are you sure?"

"Are you questioning my mother's orders? I could have YOU executed on the account of treason,"  he retorted.

"Y-yes milord," he stumbled. He fumbled keys out of his pocket, unlocking my cell. I exit the cell, making my way over to Felix and Aria.

"You are dismissed. Leave at once!" Aria demanded. He rushed out of the room. The guard was on break leaving Felix, Aria, and I in the dungeon alone. I wanted to relish the moment but, Felix and Aria started rushing me. "Quickly, we don't have much time," Aria insisted.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"It's not safe for you to stay here right now," she informed me exiting the room. We're walking fast, my head is spinning. I can hardly keep up, I'm unsure of what's happening. "Felix and I have arranged for you to be taken away," she said.

"But wait where am I going?" I asked.

"You can't stay in Xitsil. You have to leave, we'll bring you back when it's safe for you to return," I look at Felix, I had almost forgotten how lost I could get in his eyes. "I promise," he assured me, with a smile. We continue to rush, I'm guessing no one can be allowed to see me. "This way, through the secret exit," Felix said, pointing. We rush through the escape door, through a long, dimly lit corridor.

When we make it out the other side, there's a small, black carriage, and an older woman driving. 

"A carriage?" I asked.

"A car would make too much noise. You'll have to stay in the forest area around Xitsil," Aria informed.

"Wait why?" I asked

"If the queen found out you were still alive, she'd look through every city in Elodia. To her knowledge you are dead," she explained. I mean I guess that makes sense. I start to climb into the carriage, I turn back around to take a look a look at Felix. I climb off, running towards him. I wanted to hold him in my arms one more time. I don't know the next time I'll see him. I wrap him in my arms, a few tears fall. He buries his face into my chest.

"I'm so sorry," I whispered, half crying. He sniffs, clutching me tighter. He mutters something, but whatever he said I couldn't understand him. I needed to hold on to the moment as long as I could. I tilt his head to meet my eyes, and I kiss him one last time. I climb into the carriage.

"Wait Baker," Aria calls from behind me. I turn around, Aria took something out of her bra. My phone. "Sorry if it smells like boob sweat," she chuckled. I laugh, giving her a hug. I climb into the carriage, Aria looked sad, Felix looked devastated. I take one last look at them, choking back tears as the carriage pulls away. The night is foggy, I stare out the window until I eventually lose sight of them in the fog.

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