Chapter 12- Confliction

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The elevator doors opened. The last person I'd ever expect to be there was there: Florent, rolling a cart of food, of what smelled like... seafood? What were they doing here?  And... why were they rolling a cart of food?

"Oh my fucking god," they marveled, getting a full view of what was happening.

"Get the fuck away from here!" Felix exclaimed, as I pull out of him. I hustled to put my clothes back on, Florent didn't look surprised, shocked, or even grossed out. If anything he looked impressed.

"No, don't worry. They're cool," I say to Felix.

"Do you know them?" he asked aggressively. 

"Felix, this is Florent. They're the gardener's apprentice. Though I have absolutely no idea why they're using the elevator," I looked at them suspiciously. They look at me fake hurt.

"Bitch I have a key card," they said, flashing it, entering the elevator as the doors close behind them. When did Florent get one?

"When did you get one?" I asked. They laughed.

"Oh, it's not mine. It's the chef's. I had like a shit ton of free time today, so I thought I'd help him with dinner. Speaking of which," they lifted the top of of one of the plates revealing, a lobster on the plate. I knew Florent would come through! "Lobster is served," they exclaimed, proudly. I look at the steamed, red lobster. My mouth practically watered at the sight of it. They slammed the lid back on the plate. "Wait but that's not important! The real question is, what were you two doing?!" they ask. Felix is redder than the soles on a pair of Loubotins.

"We uh... weren't doing anything," he says unconvincingly, fixing his hair. Oh my god, why even lie? Florent caught us in the act.

"Bullshit," they retorted.

"Excuse me?" Felix says. I quickly kiss him on the lips, hoping it calms him down.

"Don't worry, Florent won't snitch," I reassured him. I looked at them earnestly. "We were fucking," I confessed.

"Don't worry, I won't tell anyone. The words 'Baker and the prince smashed' shall not leave my lips!" they exclaimed. Felix breathed a sigh of relief, finally loosening up a little bit.

"Thank you," Felix smiled. "Could you maybe let us go up first?" he asked. "I told my mother I was having stomach issues."

"Oh my god of course!" Florent opened the doors and let themself out. The doors close, and Felix presses the button to take us back. The elevator ride is quiet, both of us are in disbelief about the fact we got caught.

"So... uh that was close huh?" I say, trying to make small talk.

"Close? We got caught," he sighed. 

"I mean yeah, but like at least it was by my friend instead of the queen," I reasoned. He leaned against the wall, stuffing his hands in his pockets. I could tell Felix was upset. I wanted to make him feel better. So I said the only thing I was thinking about in the moment. "The sex was amazing."

"Really?" he asked, looking at me. His eyes had a faint sparkle in them, so hot. I nodded my head, flashing him a smile. He turned his head away, blushing. He tried to avoid eye contact, but a tiny smile was visible out of the corner of his lips.

The rest of dinner was a blur, I barely remember anything. I can't even remember what lobster tasted like. That kinda sucked because that was the first time I've ever had some. I was in my room resting on my bed. Monette and Mila went to their rooms too. I don't know where Felix and Aria went, I'm pretty sure Monette wanted them to spend some time together.

Florent: Bitch, are you in your room?

Me: Yeah why?

Florent: Me and Marianne are on our way!

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