Chapter 16- Beau

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I barged into Felix's room, not even bothering to knock. Felix was sitting on his bed reading. He jolted up startled. "Jeez knock next time!" he exclaimed. I didn't say anything, this was too important for that right now. "What's wrong with you?" he asked, half agitated and half worried. 

"I need to know. Who is Beau?" I asked, solemnly. He didn't answer. His face dropped lower than before. It was droopy like a slice of pizza when all the ingredients fall off.

"Who told you about him?" he asked.

"Kiyoshi did." He sighed. Obviously, this wasn't something he wanted to talk about. Maybe it'd be best if I just dropped it. "If you don't want to talk about it it's fine. I'll just leave it alone."

"No, I'll tell you," he started. He motioned to the bed, patting a spot next to him. "Please, sit down," he offered. I sat next to him. He closed his book, setting it on his nightstand. He took a deep breath, closing his eyes. It was as if he was preparing to address something he hasn't fully come to terms with. "Beau was my gay awakening," he said.

"You're gay awakening? What do you mean?" I asked.

"He was the first and only guy I was ever in a relationship with."

"I've never heard of anyone named Beau here. Did he work in the palace?" I asked. Felix nodded his head.

"He was a knight. You lived with them, I'm surprised you don't know who he his," he remarked.

"Yeah well... I was mostly by myself while I was with them," I admitted. "But go on."

"Beau he was the youngest knight there. He was seventeen while we were fifteen," he started.

"Was he hot?"

"Hotter than a volcano. He was French. He wore glasses, his hair was long and he tied it back into this adorable bun. And his eyes were the most beautiful shade of blue you would have ever seen," he gushed. 

"What about his personality? What was he like?" I asked. He was smiling, thinking about all the memories the two of them had.

"He was smart, he loved to read. He's actually part of the reason I read so much. He was so considerate, he was always thinking about what he could do for someone else. So much to the point that he even neglected personal responsibilities," Felix laughed.

"Was he funny?"

"Not inherently, but he certainly tried," he giggled, warmly smiling. "He was goofy if anything. I loved that about him."

"Was the dick good?" I asked, curiously.

"Oh my god it was top tier!" he sighed, blushing. "But there was more that I liked besides that. He just made me feel so comfortable and secure. I felt like he was the only person in the world who wouldn't judge me no matter what I did," he bubbled. "You remind me of him a lot  actually," he blushed, looking away. I blushed, touched, trying to keep a smile from appearing on my face. He opens his night stand, and reaches inside. He pulled out a folded piece of paper, and handed it to me. I carefully unfolded it, trying not to rip it. There was Beau, exactly how Felix described. He was sexy.

"How did you meet?"

"I was in the courtyard. It was Beau's first day, he got lost and ended up finding me. We started talking and... I don't even know, it was like magic," he said.

"What happened to him?" I asked. He went silent. His smile fades. I noticed a tear roll down his face, however his face is still the exact same. A plain, almost numbed expression. 

"He... he disappeared," he said.

"Disappeared?" I asked, surprised. He nodded his head. 

"One day, he stopped answering my texts. I had just seen him the day before. I went to the knights and asked where he was, but none of them had seen them," he sighed. I remember that day. I must have been out training when Felix stopped by, but when I came back everyone was totally crazy about where one of the knights went. I'm guessing it was Beau they were talking about. "I asked mother if she knew of his whereabouts, but she had no idea where he went either." I could see he was trying not to break down. Tears started to roll down his face uncontrollably. I smothered him in a hug, causing us to lose our balance and fall onto the bed. I'm on top of him, we're staring straight into each other's eyes. His lavender eyes were glistening with water from his tears. He starts inching his face closer to me and naturally I move toward his. Our lips connect, allowing ourselves to be free from all the stress and anxiety of our lives. In that moment I felt connected with him. I feel his energy and mine colliding, allowing ourselves to experience something foreign to both of us.

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