Chapter 8- Damn! You a hoe!

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I stormed into the maid's quarters in an absolute frenzy. All the maids looked at me. "Marianne, your boyfriend's here!" one of them called out. Marianne emerged from the crowd, annoyed. 

"Oh fuck off," she retorted, flipping her off. She rushed over to me, trying to calm me down. I'm in complete hysteria right now. "What's wrong?!" she asked concerned.

"I... we... I can't-" I tried to spit out the words but they won't come out. Marianne abruptly shoves me out of the room and slammed the door.

"Where are you going?" I heard another maid ask through the door.

"Mind your business and stay out of my pussy!" she shouted angrily. "Those bitches," she muttered. "Come on let's go to the garden," she suggested, wiping tears from my face.

"Won't Florent be out there?" I asked. She shook her head.

"He's out in the city buying something, I forgot what exactly." I sighed, we take a left turn around the corridor and exit to the garden. We make our way back to the riverbank and I sat down. The shade was comfortable and relaxing on a scorching hot day. "What's wrong?" Marianne asked, taking a seat next to me.

"W-well Felix and me we-!"

"Shhh," she interrupted. She could tell I was freaking out and that I'm on the verge of losing it. "Take a deep breath," she advised. I close my eyes, taking in a large breath of air. I can smell the aroma of rose petals from the garden, and pine needles. I hear the river running past me, it's so peaceful. It calmed me down, at least a little.

"Thanks," I breathed.

"Now, what happened?"

"Well you remember when Mila kicked me out of the dining hall to go back to Felix?" She nodded her head curiously. "Well, I went to his room and I couldn't find him and then he walked out in a fucking bath towel! Then the bath towel fell..." she clasped her hands over her mouth, shocked. 

"Wait wait. So you're saying you saw the prince's dick...?" I nodded my head embarrassed. She punched my shoulder, somewhat hard. "What the fuck!" she exclaimed excited. "Was it big?" she asked seriously. I think about it for a second.

"It was like, average size I'd say." She shrugged.

"Anyways, please continue."

"Okay so I literally like ran out the fucking room, and waited for a bit. Then he texted me to come back inside..."

"And then?!" I hesitated to say the words, but I let them out.

"Felix sucked my dick..." I hesitated, blushing. Marianne grabbed my shoulders aggressively.

"YOU GOT SUCKED OFF BY THE PRINCE?!" she shouted. I covered her mouth with my hand, hoping to shut her the fuck up. I silently nodded my head. She gets the memo to be quiet. She took a deep breath and calmed herself down.

"Wow, okay even though that totally isn't allowed. Am I the only one who knows about this?" she asked. I nodded my head. She made a "zip it" motion over her lips. She won't say anything. We sat in silence for a little before she speaks up. "Was it good?"

"It was... mind-blowing," I sighed, slapping my forehead. "I hate to admit it but now I can't stop thinking about him."

"Awww you're totally in love," she cooed. I shoved her playfully, as she snickers. I flopped back in the grass and stared at the trees. "Have you done anything to take your mind off him?"


"What's that supposed to mean?" she asked. I shut my eyes tight, and take a deep breath.

"I fingered the princess," I confessed. This time her shock couldn't be contained. It was like a cup of water overflowing, or like a balloon with way too much air in it on the verge of popping.

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