Chapter 21- Commotion

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I'm speed walking down the corridors of the palace, trying to make it to a place where no one is. The only place I could think of was the garden. Of course, Florent would be there, but if anyone would support me through this situation, it would definitely be them. I can't go back to my room, they'd most definitely find me there. And it's not like I could just leave the palace, then I'd be in even deeper shit. I wonder what Felix is going through with all of this. As much as I would love to see him, I know I can't for the safety of both of us.

I'm not looking where I'm walking and I collide with someone soft, and squishy. I look up, I'm smushed right in the middle of Mila's tits. I back up as quickly as I can, blushing. "I'm so so sorry!" I spluttered. Mila is obviously trying to avoid talking, because she pretends like she doesn't notice. But if anyone would know what's in store for me, it would be her. She's the closest one to Monette. "Mila?" I call, trying to get her attention. But she's not budging. The way she's walking though, it seems strange. I follow her. We turn around a few corners, and head down a flight of stairs before we reach a secluded area. Finally, she speaks.

"I have direct orders from the queen not to talk to you," she begins, "which is why we're here." The queen... . I shudder thinking about how she is. 

"I-is the queen upset...?" I ask, fearing for my life. 

"Upset? She is fucking livid," she says.

"At who?"

"You mostly," she reveals. I swallow a lump in my throat. I'm gonna have to face her wrath. The thought alone terrifies me. "I haven't seen Felix at all, he's been holed up in his room. But the knights have been ordered to be by him at all times."

"What? Why? Isn't that a little... extreme?" I asked. She shrugged. There's one thing that's heavy as fuck on my mind right now.

"How did anyone even find out?"

"I mean the beach isn't exactly the most private place to have sex," she sighed.

"But we snuck out in the middle of the fucking night. We made sure that no one was even around to watch us leave," I reasoned.

"Well from what I understand, a few of the maids went out last night with some of the knights. They went out to the club and decided to take a walk along the beachfront," she explained. But we were at the beach and no one was even there. How did anyone even catch us? Mila notices the perplexed look on my face. "One of the knights said they recognized you in the distance. They thought you were going for a swim, and when they got closer they realized you and Felix were... having a moment. My guess is one of them told the queen, and the maids have been gossiping about it all morning."

Sweat  is dripping everywhere. I wish I could see Felix right now. I know he's definitely stressed. I just want to hold him, so close, and so tight.


"Look, I didn't want to say this out loud but... the queen is very homophobic. Why do you think she has the prince in an arranged marriage? It's not for 'the betterment of the country', it's so she can condition him to reject his true feelings. Ever since the king died, things around here have been... different," she says, her voice lowering.

"Different? How?"

"The queen, she is concerned only with herself and the image of her family. She doesn't want anything she deems 'imperfect' in her life. The king, he was a benevolent ruler. A supporter of the gay community, a philanthropist, a warrior. He did anything and everything for the people of Elodia. The queen... everything she does is for her own personal benefit," she informed.

"But what about Felix?" I asked. "Once he becomes king then Monette won't have power anymore."

"Felix was always his own person around his dad. But he only fears one person, his mom."

"Why would Monette have any power over him?"

"Because he want to make her happy and proud. And she is completely aware of this. So she uses him to get him to push her agenda. When he ascends the throne, yes he will be in charge, but the queen would be the one pulling all the strings. I'm scared to see what Elodia will become," she conceded. But what about Aria? Wouldn't she have the power to stop her. She has no familial ties whatsoever, so she could interject. How is she dealing with all of this?

"Have you seen Aria at all?"

"I'm right here." I turn around, and practically pass out from fear. Aria is standing right there.

"When did you get here?!" I sputter.

"Well, I was trying to find you actually. I heard your voice so I followed it, and it led me here," she clarified. I've put everyone in a really shitty position. Aria's gonna be under even more pressure to marry Felix. Felix is basically under lockdown. I've sent the whole palace in a frenzy. Even Mila is stressed about what's to come.

"I'm sorry about putting you in this position," I apologized.

"Honestly, I couldn't be happier for you two," she smiled softly. "You and Felix have a beautiful relationship. I can tell just by the way he always talks about you. Besides, I don't love him." Well, it's a relief to hear that Aria isn't pissed off. But still, I wonder how all of this is affecting her.

"Have you heard from the queen at all?"

"She came to me this morning. She said 'I apologize for my son and his retainer's despicable and disgusting behavior. I shall have this sorted out at once!'" she recited. She can tell I'm nervous, and gives me a hug.

"I will not let anything happen to you, I will do anything in my power to keep you out of harm," she assures me. It was nice to know that Aria was on my side. Marianne hasn't exactly supported my relationship with Felix, it's nice to have someone on my team. I feel a comforting energy coming from both her and Mila, they'll definitely have my back.

"Mila, would Aria be able to interfere?" I asked her.

"I doubt it. The queen can be very... diligent about situations like this. I almost got caught with the Butler one time," she shudders, "that would have been bad for me." Aria is spaced out. Like Raven Baxter when she has a vision. But I can tell, she senses something. It's making her anxious, nervous even.

"Mila, we should leave now. We might get in trouble if we are seen with him," she states. They turn to leave, but before they do, Aria says something to me which sends chills down my spine. "Prepare yourself. The hour of the queen's judgment is arriving soon." I wait for her and Mila to leave, before leaving. I need to get to the garden to see Florent. If anyone would know what to do right now it would definitely be them. I'm speed walking down the corridors, trying to keep a low profile. I descend a flight of stair, where there are guards. The guards notice me, and don't hesitate to incapacitate me. They throw handcuffs on me, two of them take me by the shoulders, escorting me.

"Baker Kingsly, we have direct orders from her highness to bring you to the throne room." The hour of the queen's judgement. Let's hope she'd merciful.

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