Chapter 26- Visitors

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The rustling in the bushes get louder, until finally, it emerged. I was unaware what it was, but I was ready for a fight. "Oh my god I fucking hate nature," I hear a voice complain. But it wasn't just any voice, it sounded like...?

"Florent?" As I said that, I lowered my guard a bit.

"Hello?" another voice called out.

"Marianne?" I grab my phone, snatching it off the ground. I turn my flashlight on, flashing it in the direction from where I heard the voices. The light hit the figures, and sure enough it was Marianne and Florent. 

"Baker!" Marianne called out, excited. I drop my spear, running over to them to give them a hug. I swallow them up in a bear hug, as tears stream down my face. "I missed you guys so fucking much." I cried. Marianne wiped the tears from my eyes. I back up, taking a deep breath. Suddenly, Catfish flies off my shoulder toward Florent. It starts pecking at them.

"Shit! What's wrong with this thing?!" they exclaim.

"Catfish stop! They're my friend!" but it doesn't stop. Florent is covering their eyes and skull, as Catfish pokes around at their pants.

"Florent, do you have anything in your pocket?" I asked.

"Just like trail mix," they responded, taking it out of their pocket. As they did that, a large cockroach crawled out. "AH! What the fuck?! Where did that come from?!" they screech, throwing their stuff on the ground, flinging the cockroach as well. Catfish stopped attacking them and went straight for the food. It picked up the roach, swallowing it whole. Then it starts picking at the trail mix Florent had.

"That's why it attacked you," Marianne started, "It was probably just hungry," she laughed.

"I hate nature," Florent groaned.

"Wait, how did you guys even find me?" I asked.

"I guess Aria turned on your location," she responded. "She and Felix told us what happened. We're so glad you aren't dead! Florent and I had to come see you," she said, hugging me. I lead them toward the tree where I'm sleeping, and we sit down at the base.

"How's everything at the palace?" I asked. There's a silence in the air. It's uncomfortable, unnerving.

"It's super tense," Florent breaks the silence.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"It's weird. Everyone's constantly on edge. The only one who's normally is the queen," they explained.

"And poor Mila, the queen's been pulling her in every direction. She's serving her, Felix, Aria, helping the maids, training, cooking, and so much more. She's stressed the fuck out," Marianne sighed.

"They queen's about to break Mila?! But she's like the most put together person in the palace."

"The queen's been working her nonstop," Florent chimed in. Poor Mila, she's gotta be so stressed.

"What about Aria? How is she?" 

"She's doing surprisingly well. She seems like she's always plotting something. I'm not exactly sure what it is though," Florent says.

"Plotting in a good or bad way?" I asked.

"Not sure. Oh yeah! The queen's firing a shit ton of people," Florent exclaimed.

"Wait? Why?" I asked.

"It's weird, there's absolutely no reason. Only thing I've noticed is that all of them are at least a little gay..." Marianne revealed.

"Why hasn't Florent been fired yet?" I asked.

"She can't fire me because I'm the gardner's apprentice. Technically she's your guy's boss, not mine," Florent answered. I mean, that makes sense. In some ways Florent has more power than me and Marianne. They could probably get away with more than Marianne and I could. 

"Is no one like suspicious about this?" I asked.

"Oh everyone is," Marianne replied. "But there isn't anything we can really do about it." I can't help but feel a weight of guilt crushing on me. It was like my bones were being crushed individually, one by one. I made life so much worse for so many people. All because I wanted to do what I did with Felix. I wish I could help, but I'm stuck out here. Speaking of Felix.

"How is he?" I asked.

"Who?" Florent replied.

"Felix... ." There's no immediate answer. Florent and Marianne exchange looks.

"Honestly, I'm not sure," they said. "He hasn't come out of his room like at all. No one's seen from him or heard from him. Well, no one except Aria. Speaking of, her and Felix are sleeping in the same room now."

"Really? Why?"

"The queen is making them," Marianne clarified. "She told me that the queen said that it would help her feel comfortable for the wedding." But Aria and Felix don't even want to get married. I wish I could be there right now. With Marianne and Florent. With Aria and Mila. With Felix... . As I think about everyone there, and all the people I've hurt I can't hold back my tears. The cherry on top was thinking about Felix. I love him, and I might never see him. He'll be married, and I'm stuck out here. I bury my face into my hands, letting the tears rush out of me. 

"Baker! What's wrong?" Florent asked, concerned. I sob louder, trying to speak, but I can't make the words come out.


"Friends? Family?" Marianne tried guessing. I shook my head.


"Foi gras? Furry porn?" Florent guessed. Marianne and I both gave them a weird look.

"FELIX! I MISS FELIX!" I yell, sobbing. Florent captured me in a hug; he pulled me in close. Marianne follows and joined in. I cried in their arms. I wish I could see him. I want to hold him, and kiss him, and cuddle with him. I don't care if I wouldn't get anything ever again, I only want to see him. "I'm sorry," I sniff. "I don't know why but... I just can't stop thinking about him." Florent pulls away from me.

"Have you been thinking about him the whole time you've been out here?" they asked. I nodded my head. "Would you give anything to see him again?" Again, I nodded my head. "What do you think about when Felix comes to your mind?"

"Easy, his smile," I blush. His smile is incredible; just seeing him smile makes me so happy and full of energy. It's so beautiful.

"Interesting..." they respond. "Baker, I think... you're in love."

"Me?! In love?!" I sputtered.

"I think so," Marianne added. "And... I'm sorry I wasn't supportive of you before. I just didn't want anything bad to happen to you. But obviously you love him Baker," she apologized. I looked at her with a soft smile.

"I guess I am in love with him," I admitted. "I mean, it started out as us just fucking before but it started to become more than that." I went silent for a little, just thinking about what I lost. "There's nothing I can do about it though. I'm stuck the fuck out here," I groaned angrily. I wish things were different. I wish I could see him. I want to tell him how much I love him. But most importantly, I wanted to say sorry for everything I did to him. The rest of the night was kind of a blur. Marianne and Florent left at around 4:00 to get back to the palace. I was left alone, wrestling with my thoughts. Mostly thoughts about Felix. There's so many things I want to say. But I don't know if I'll ever have that chance.

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