Chapter 18- After Party

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"When's Felix going to get here Baker? Do you know?" Aunt Ursula pestered me.

"I'm unsure," I respond, trying to brush her off.

"Why the hell not? Don't you work for him?" Uncle Lance barked. I don't know how much more of this I can take. Monette's siblings are almost worse than her. "Why don't you do your damn job and get us some drinks," he ordered. I'm about to choke the shit out of him. I can feel my fingers curling into a shape that will perfectly fit his neck. Instead, I take a deep breath, putting on a polite smile.

"Sure, what would you all like?" I ask politely.

"I'll have a strawberry martini," Aunt Glenda chirped.

"I'd like some red wine," followed Ursula.

"Gin on the rocks and make it quick," Lance commanded. 

"I'll be back shortly," I say, finally escaping from them. I walk over to the bar where, of course, I find Mila enjoying a glass of I don't even know what.

"Mila, where's Monette?" I ask. " Is Felix with her?"

"I'm pretty sure he is. I don't know where they are," she replies. She takes a sip of her drink. "What are you doing over here?" she asked.

"Getting Monette's siblings some fucking drinks. Oh my god they are awful. I can't stand them," I grumble. I wave down the bartender. "A strawberry martini, some red wine, and a gin on the rocks please," I say, sitting down. Mila laughs, taking another sip.

"They are absolutely horrendous! Which one do you hate most?" she asked.

"Lance easily. He's just always ordering me around like I work for him. Then he had the nerve to talk shit about my dad, I just want to stab him!" I exclaim. "How about you?"

"...Glenda," she growls.

"Glenda?! But she's the nice one! Well... the least evil one," I say suprised.

"Maybe to you! She always throws indirect shade at me," Mila exclaims, taking another sip.

"When do they leave?" I ask.

"After the party I'm pretty sure." Thank. Fucking. God. They can't leave soon enough. The bartender brings the drinks out on a little tray so I can carry them.

"Thank you," I say. "I should probably get these to the three gargoyles" I sighed. "By the way," I start, "does Monette know you're drinking right now?"

"I have permission, so fuck off," she laughed, giving me the finger. I take the tray back over to Monette's siblings, where they're waiting anxiously.

"Here you are," I say, extending the tray.

"About time," Lance growls, snatching his drink. I can feel my hand shaking with rage. I promise you he's got one more damn time. 

"Where's Felix," Ursula pesters me again.

"Again, I'm unsure."

"Why? I would assume you'd know seeing as you are his employee," she scoffed. I can feel my whole body shaking, I'm on the verge of snapping. I'm about to completely let loose but all of a sudden I feel a hand squeeze my back. I look over my shoulder, Felix is standing there, a smile on his face.

"I'm here now," he says. Ursula shoves me out of the way and smothers Felix with a hug, planting a big, slobbery kiss on his left cheek. I can see the discomfort on his face. Note to self: never EVER kiss his left cheek.

"Oh Felix, you were wonderful during your match!" she exclaimed.

"Simply marvelous," Glenda chimed in.

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