this love | 01

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wherein chaeyoung never have the guts to tell jungkook what she really feels.

Park Chaeyoung is genius with over 149 IQ to grab, she could solve the maths questions on the tip of her finger. Being one of the best student and won numerous academy's awards for her school. But one thing she can never solve is love.

She had been inlove with jungkook, her best friend. Also known as the total school heart-throb. Girls gush over him, you can't count how many love letters he get on his locker. Moreover, they're had been childhood best friends ever since chaeyoung moved in next door beside his home ever since they were kids. It sort out clicked for the both of them from the start.

He's the total heart-throb and she the classic nerd (not the one with glasses) Weird combo but it works.

"rosie, duck!!"

Duck? She heard. Animal? So she turned around only to get hit by a ball on her forehead. Real hard.

"rosie, I tell you to duck. Why didn't you duck?" he run over, as jungkook sit in one knee looking over to her forehead. He really look worried.

"screw you, I thought duck as an animal." she said but immediately freeze when he message to numb the pain away.

It's just remind chaeyoung the reason why she love him again. "can you walk?" she nodded.

"come, let's go to the lounge room." he help her to stand up as jungkook carried her bag.

"hey guys, I be back. Play without me!" he shouted over to his fellow football friends as they give him a thumbs up.

When the nurse assigned finished giving her the needs she need to take, she left them for a while saying chaeyoung need to have a rest before going to class.

"Jungkook, it's okay. Please stop apologising, it's not like you beat me over an exam mark." she signed, as jungkook stratch his nape.

"I have some candy if you want, just my last apology request." he said, giving her some of her favourite strawberries candy for her to crunch things up.

"alright." she open a piece. "if you ever apologise to me again, I kill you for real." -and then took a bite.

Jungkook chuckled.

"Aren't you busy? You should go." she said. Watching over the clock as it had been over half an hour since their came here.

"Ah, I forgot about them. Should I? Will you be okay?" he asked, checking the bandages on her forehead. He pouted.

"Yeah, I do fine. I have mochi to accompany me." a male calico cat meow as he cuddle around chaeyoung warm hands to sleep.

"Yeah, you do fine." Jungkook pat the little fella fur as he purr. He smiled.

"right." he stand up. "I see you later, I came back to see you after I finished practice. Get some rest, Rosie." he gave a pat which cause chaeyoung hair to get messy. She blew a strand that gets in her eyes.

"I will, now get out of here." and then he vanished within the door.

Now, it's really is lonely without his smile.

She whimper, "I miss him already."


Very much two days later.

"so, how your forehead?" Jungkook asked, touching it a bit as chaeyoung hit his arm.

"Look you distracted again! Jungkook, you have to passed your math tests or you will be kicked out of team." she says, four days before math tests. Here, she tutoring the most dumbest person she had ever seen.

"I don't need a reminder!"

"someone to remind you how reality hurt harder in the face." she say before looking back on the exercise sheets.

"okay so here I go again..."

Solidly, it had been nearly 2 hours since they've started. Jungkook keep on babbling on why they included letters in maths equation. And why they have so many formulas to memorise. On the other hard, chaeyoung keep on pissing her pants on how much time did Jungkook failed to keep up with an easy question (i meant for her tho)

"so when you multiple x^6 with x^2, over wit-" she glanced over at Jungkook who spontaneously took a nap. She sigh, closing the textbooks thinking it time for the boy to rest. She stretch her arms to crack up her bones because they had been sitting in the same spot for hours in the library. Torturing each other to death.

The only thing chaeyoung agreed to do this because of well- what else? Jungkook. She likes him and he kind to her. But the thing is that Jungkook never sees her nothing but as a friend. Best friend. Yeah, it hurts because she just his friend. A hopeless one sided love who cherish him.

Why can't he open his eyes and see her?

"If only you knew how much I really like you." she said, before dozed onto sleep.

Not realising Jungkook had been listening to her sudden confession.

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