stay | 04

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one of the longest chapter i wrote so far. well, this is gonna be a heck of a ride. enjoy :)

December had always been chaeyoung favourite month to celebrate. Where the cold white snow piles up in the road, and spending the time making hot chocolate while watching movies with your loved one. And especially opening presents. It might seem childish but you only lived once. So why not enjoy the fun moments? It had also been chaeyoung favourite month to get some peace. Why? Less work. And less interacting with Jeon Jungkook.

But what all of the odds that now, chaeyoung are getting ready for the gala soon. The younger chaeyoung would be laughing if someone told her she would be Jungkook's date. Life really has unexpected plan to ruin someone ego. And it's pretty upsetting.

"Good luck on the date!" lalisa cheered when chaeyoung is ready for the gala. She wear off a simple but elegant dress that suits the gala theme overall.

"It's not a date, lisa." she told her, even if it means a hundred time. "I hate him."

Lisa chuckle, "hate is really a strong word, chae." she rest her chin onto the side of the couch. "I wonder what he truly feels about you."

"Don't think of what he feels about me. Your hunch is always wrong." she warn and pointed her index finger at her.

Lisa rolled her eyes, glancing onto the best friend whose wearing some jewels.

"Keep telling yourself that. I mean it's Jeon Jungkook. Your boss." she sneaks a glance to her oblivious best friend. "and he super unpredictable." she added. One thing that chaeyoung agreed on Lisa is that he truly is unpredictable. And that's somehow bring a spine to her.

She grab the remote and open the television, "What will I do without you here? We used to watch Christmas movies while eating some late night snacks every year." lisa pouted.

Chaeyoung giggled. It's fun.

"Is he picking you up?" she asked another.


"so, he not a gentleman." chaeyoung noticed on how the tone of lisa voice sounded disappointed.

"don't be silly, I asked him not too."

"why not?" she perks from the television.

"Just because, Taehyung is giving me a ride."

"Your brother, Why?"

Chaeyoung shrugged. "See you later, don't forget to turn down the oven when the cookies is done baking! Love you, Lisa."

Lisa hummed and yelled back, "Adios, soldier chaeyoung!" she wave her hand.


Taehyung had always remind chaeyoung to stay away from people who made her feel less genuine. And she had always followed that advice. When chaeyoung feels like dating or open up with romantic relationships, she should sees him first. And let Taehyung decide if he deserved her. Somehow, she could feel Taehyung had already approved with men's like Jungkook.

The whole time she was with him, it feels too different than the other events they went before. In the past, she would always follow him. Be at his side, and tell him everyone he had to knows about the event. Like a normal secretary job. Now, in the present. It's the opposite. As examples, treating her with care and always asking if she cold or uncomfortable with the guests. It's odd and strange. Out of the league. And that's somehow made her feel comfortable.

Why did he change? Chaeyoung began to asked herself and wanted to asked him too. But doesn't want to make the tension went awkward. And that's the last thing she prefer, since she would be spending the night together.

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