two things about rivals | 01

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It's all 'bout potions, magic
and love.

"... and the winner goes to team gryffindor with the last remaining scores from the team chaser, Jeon Jungkook!" the host announced very proudly (obviously since he a gryffindor too) as the camera point on jungkook whom were lifted by his friends upon reaching the ground. The bleachers from house griffindor screams in proud with all of them standing up, waving their banners high in the sky. Full of proud and glory to their undefeated champions.

On the other hand, roseaane park the ravenclaw seaker signed in defeated and rolled her eyes in annoyed after losing to another round with him. They weren't really enemies except for the point roseaane hate him after he always beated her in quiddith and his first impression on her. He also spends most of the time being extremely cocky!

She remember one time on they third year, when jungkook were seen teasing her 'cause he can't seems to know why a clever person like her joined a fearless game of quiddith. Although, they're parents are huge best friends (which she still find it very odd and unbelievable) She still despite him.

Of course, Jungkook thinks chaeyoung as her friend but he also really enjoyed teasing her even since they're were kids.

"It's okay, rosie. there always next year!" park sooyoung, her friend from ravenclaw reminded but there not always next year especially when that stupid annoying jeon jungkook is here.

Roseaane always remember that evil smirked when he won the remaining points. Whether Jungkook like it or not, she always label him as an evil snob!

After quiddith games, roseanne were sitting with her ravenclaw friends. It's madly chaos here, she could still heard the screams of a fellow grryfindor from afar. It's really annoying to listen- very much to see.

Then, she grab a roasted chicken to dive in. Roseanne eats when she sad, angry or even happy. You only lived once, don't forget to enjoy the food.

"Jungkook is so charming and attractive!" she overheard a cheerful female voice behind her. She couldn't help it since her voice is loud enough.

"Don't tell me you like him?" another voice asked- she gasped.

"Why? It is a sin to like him?"

Roseanne sneered, heck yeah he is. He bloody awful.

"rumours has it that he.." she sound hesitated, roseanne leans closer to them. She also curious. There a rumours about him? Since when?

".. already have a girlfriend."

Roseanne chocked as she gasped in shocked, so hard that the person behind her finally started to notice her.

"hey, rosie. You okay?" Jisoo, their senior also- her final year in hogwarts land her a cup of water.

She drinks- "yeah, yeah I'm okay.." she assure them. ".. the chicken is abit spicy." she added a excuse. Jisoo nodded, as roseanne lends her a forced smile, hoping to convinced her.

The two girls left as she sign. Back to the real deal.

Jungkook. Have. A. Girlfriend?

Since when? How long? Is she a grryfindor too? She had many questions in her head, hoping for some of them to be answered.

Then, across the corridors. She saw him. Walking inside with his friends. No one knows that they have history together. Chaeyoung doesn't like her personal and private information to be shared with other human beings, opposite from Jungkook. He didn't care as long as it didn't bother him.

He didn't even look or glanced at her the moment he walk in (not that he needed though) Roseanne stands up, "excuse me, I have to go grab some air." she said to her friends and left.

Not knowing, there two pair of identical eyes watching her from afar.


Roseanne Park was a half muggle (humans) and a half wizard. Her dad was a wizard, he took interest with the muggle world so much and began to married her mother. A muggle. They're met at Hogwarts and started to fall inlove too. At first, she had lived all her life inside the muggle world.

Behind the magic because they thought it would be better to raise her independently without any sorts of magic. Eventually, she did observed what. muggle do everyday. They woke up, work, drive home, eat and sleep- and they follow their life circle over and over until the grim reaper take their souls.

It's quite boring actually so, when her mother broke the news when she was ten, roseanne was excited to finally lived beyond her expectations. Of course, it isn't all cupcakes and rainbows because she met Jungkook.

Chaeyoung was at the quiddith area again, she was alone. It actually is quite nice to see the stadium without anyone screaming- or flying around. Up and there.

"what you doing here?" a voice startled her, she looked over and see him here.

Chaeyoung weren't shocked either, but somehow curious.

"shouldn't I suppose to asked you that? Aren't you supposed to be celebrating?" she annoyingly asked.

Jungkook chuckle and choose to sit, next to her. "I got bored and followed you here." he strugged.

Jungkook didn't say anything after that, he just did what roseanne did- admiring the beauty of nature. Then, roseanne recalled the girls conversation from before. Does he really have a girlfriend? She doesn't remember seeing him with any girls beside her. She look at him suspiciously.

"I know I'm handsome, but shit- that creeping me out."

Roseanne fluttered, looking away. Am I really that obvious?

Jungkook chuckle. Changing the topic.

"look, my parents invited you to come over for summer."

"..what?" she sounded disbelief, raising her left eyes brow in despair. "You kidding right?"

"it's their request, not mine." he surrender-raising both of his hand in the air. Not wanting to made her mad again.

"they want us to bond." he added. Jungkook knew she never like him, but he didn't seem to care. Girls often change their mind.

"what that supposed to mean?" -in truth, she knew exactly whats that supposed to mean, she just hope what she thinking is indeed false but he proved her otherwise instead.

"they think we meant for each other."

"ew, heaven no!" she vomits, "us, in a relationship?" she snorted, she can't imagine being with him for her entire life.

"I rather be dead." she stand up, leaving Jungkook all alone. That doesn't really offend him, he should knew by now that roseanne hate him or even hated seeing at least 3 meters.

She walks away, grumpily passed him. Jungkook eyes followed her, as he smiled.

If only she knew, that was actually jungkook wishes, not his family.

a / n : soooooo excited to be writing this one! 😆

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