with you | 01

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in wherein park chaeyoung falls inlove with a man who can't no longer give her his heart to love.

"You think you can be a doctor with this skills of you? You can't even tell the difference between the simple basics? What if this is real life and this patient is real? What will you do, begged for forgiveness if she died?"

She yelled out her frustration, stomping her feets in annoyed. Still remembering the strict male ass doctor who scolded her just because she accidentally cut off the wrong stuff. Well, she did bad but that doesn't mean that crap doctor can insult just because of a small mistake!

Chaeyoung, aged 22 who still studying to be a doctor in apparently one of the most privileged hospital in Seoul. And today was the orientation to surgeon a fake mannequin among the other trainees. And you could guess what happened next.

"That's stupid ass doctor. He thinks I don't work hard for this scholarship." she mumbled alone into the quiet windy afternoon of Seoul. Just before she could let out another cursed, she heard sounds coming from the back door. Her eyes immediately transfered into a tall man.

"Oh, I'm sorry." he tells her. "I didn't mean to interrupted─"

Shit, did he heard everything?

He stops when she stares at him back.

"Right, I take my leave then."

Chaeyoung quickly asked, "By any chance, did you heard everything I said?"

He let out a chuckle as if he realised that's the only thing she care about, "I was here before you come so.. perhaps, you could say yes."

She grunt, "don't worry, I'm not that type to tell others their secrets. I don't prefer to meddle into other business and.. apparently straightforward opinions." he grins.

"Yes, I could see that." she mumbled─ before looking back to the outstanding view.

"You a doctor, here?" he asked.

When chaeyoung turned around, he is now at the right side of her position. This man literally look straight out of a kdrama male character. He glanced at her, and chaeyoung flustered look away.

"─sort of. I'm training to be a doctor." she answered. "Just having a bad and all. I think I should probably get used to it by now." she sighed.

"How about you?" she now questions this oddly stranger.

"I'm a volunteer here," he told her. "I volunteer to take care of the children's here. You know helping organisations, offering supplies and others in need." he added.

She gasped, "really? So.. you mostly work here?"

"Sometimes when I'm free." he nodded as he smile to himself, "Or sometimes when I'm not. Depends on how tight my schedule is."

She nodded, he must be a good man.

"Oh, we didn't even introduce ourselves." she begins to realised, "I'm park chaeyoung."

He responds on how tense his eyes pierced onto hers and then grins, "Nice to meet you chaeyoung, I'm Jeon Jungkook."


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Kim Jennie is surprise to see how cheerful chaeyoung is. From a moment before, she was having a mental breakdown and cursing to the doctor for being mad. And a moment later, she now a new person. Smiling that meets her eye and helping to do extra work which isn't even apart of her tasks!

"do you think she's okay?" Kim Jisoo knudge her shoulder, as Jennie already know who the older is referring to.

"no," she denied, "of course not."

A few minutes later, the doctor who is enchange for the trainee doctors round them up and gave their new department where they will be taking on a new duty. Which is unfortunately for chaeyoung, the marks are based on their orientation before.

"Chill, chae. You do great," Jennie tried to relax her along with Jisoo beside her.

"As if."

As she took a quick glance on the notice board, she found herself to be quick shocked.

[park chaeyoung | children department]


It's late at night and the rain is pouring down from a bad weather, and park chaeyoung is late from meeting her friend lalisa at a nearby restaurant to celebrate her promotion day! It's seems impossible to hailed a cab, she strictly needs a reminder to get a soon driver license.

"chaeyoung?" she swiftly turn to the mentioned of her name and a familiar voice.

"you still here?" Jungkook added, as he hold an umbrella. He looks exhausted, his hair is all messy and wet.

"Jungkook?" she muttered in surprised. It took longer for chaeyoung to respond.

He chuckle, "I'm saying, why are you still here?"

"Oh. I─ uh, waiting for a cab."

"during this weather?" he sounded concern.

"yes, apparently."

"where are you going?" he questions again.

She sighed, "meeting a friend at a restaurant but you see how the circumstances won't allowed it so─"

"I can give you a ride." Jungkook said without any hesitation.

"oh no it's fine! I don't wanna trouble you anything." she immediately denied, thinking how bothersome she would be.

"then I can wait for you here,"

"what? no, no please it's fine. I think I can managed." she begins to flustered with Jungkook offers. God.

"It's rude to declined someone offer, chaeyoung." he grins, "I'm still willing to give you a ride home."

Maybe if she strictly declined his offer that day, she wouldn't had falling in love.

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