exes | 02

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Park chaeyoung and Jeon jungkook has lost contact, eversince they break up years ago. He had vanished and dissappear. After some times, she had learn from his friends that he had moved to the States.

So, five years. Five years she hadn't met him. Five years she never knew how he had been or how is he? Is he good? No news about him, nothing about Jungkook ever existed. He vanished and now after five years. He appeared back, out of nowhere.

He's back. Jungkook is here.

Oh god.

Lisa had explained to her everything, Jungkook own the title the campus prince. He had been known to the campus since freshman so.. why on earth chaeyoung never heard of this before? He is the same class as Lisa so she know his screaming admirers from class. It's kinda annoyed lisa, to death.

Chaeyoung luck is a nutshell. She got dump and now this? Her first love returning. Her ex from high school.

"do you know him?" lisa asked inside the aesthetic café near their college. "because the way you both looked at each other." lisa added.

"we used to." lisa narrowed her eyes, wanting more explanations.

"we kinda.. both dated during high school for three years and then we broke up after graduation. He move to states and... I never saw him again." chaeyoung explained her whole story from start to finished. Lisa just listened attentively.

Why did chaeyoung even break up with him? Oh yeah. That.

"woah.." lisa look shocked. "I didn't know. What didn't you ever tell me?" lisa now looks offended.

"I didn't know he here. I thought he was at the States for good." she said.

"so.. Jungkook is your first love?" Chaeyoung nodded, it's felt so wrong hearing this after years had passed.

"Have you moved on?" she slowly asked her as she thought maybe this is a sensitive topic she wouldn't not talk about.

Chaeyoung greeted her teeth, "It was years ago, obviously I did. A long time ago. I was the on breaking up with him." she pursued her lips. Chaeyoung didn't want to worry lisa with her love life. She didn't want her to involved.

"anyways, let's start on your project." it's obvious she don't want to talk about it and lisa understand. Throughout their while discussed, chaeyoung keep on zoning out. She feels like she want to be alone. And chaeyoung feel like a thousand more weight is now on her.

But the truth is, chaeyoung doesn't know if she really had moved on after seeing him here again.


Park Chaeyoung looks up for some new shirts. Chaeyoung recall what Jungkook was wearing that day and in fact is bother her so much, she can't even sleep that night. How could she repayed him? So, chaeyoung plan to buy him a new one.

Kim Jennie is a shopaholic so she was really surprised when her best friend wanted to join her weekdays shopping cause' chaeyoung wasn't really the type to spend things. Her eyes curiously followed chaeyoung when she entered the men attire.

Chaeyoung picked up some shirts that she knows Jungkook would like. She still remember his favourite colour. After so long.

"a black shirt?" Jennie carefully said. "Why do you need a black shirt for?" her eyes followed her when she added. "And it mens."

Jennie gasped when realisations finally hits her. "chaeyoung, don't tell me that you-"

"no, I don't." chaeyoung cut her off, knowing what Jennie would said. "I don't feel like dating, Jennie." she added. And only god knows when Jennie finally calm down.

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