stay | 05

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Taehyung is always a good person. The right kind of person who treats his wife, Kim Jisoo well and the type of person who takes care of his little sister, Park Chaeyoung. He offered chaeyoung to drove her to the gala and of course, chaeyoung couldn't say no. He misses his little sister.

"do you liked someone?" he asked, the moment he drive away from chaeyoung shared apartment.

"what?" she says in surprised.

"don't lied to me, chae. Jisoo told me everything. About this Jungkook dude." he sneaks a glanced.

Kim Jisoo jgizigjzigieizkfnso??? You supposed to keep this a secret!

"so, do you like him too?" he repeated his question.

"nonsense, he doesn't like me and nor do I. He's a pain in the ass." she says but he wasn't satisfied.

"and he's your date.. because you hate him?"

Taehyung giggled to himself. On how oblivious she is but decided to not asked her further details about this mysterious man.

He turned the music on. And everything went to silent after. He admitted he couldn't take care of chaeyoung very well in her childhood days. She feels herself as a burden and decided to work part time jobs to help him, but taehyung would never liked the idea.

"It's a suggestion-" he speaks, "but before you were born, Mom had a small cottage house in Jeju Island. It was the place Mom was born." chaeyoung glanced on him. "If you want, you could go there and reminiscence the older time when she was young." he added.

Chaeyoung wasn't the type of person to talk about her mother as she never really remembered any memories about her, she was seven when she died. But Taehyung realized she deserved to know.

"You think it's a great idea to go there?"

"Well, it's Mom afterall. What could go wrong?" he smiles, "Perhaps it's better than staying here. Maybe it's time for you to find some peace alone." he suggested.

"You know," he decide to speaks again, "dad also misses you. Eversince he had been in the hospital. He told me that you had never visited him before. He wanted to apologise for making our childhood difficult, although I think it's better if he apologies in front of you." and it's true, taehyung feels a bit sympathy to his father on how she hope chaeyoung would go see him.

"I think about it," she sigh and looked outside the clouded window, the moon and stars were so beautiful. The night sky compliment the colour of the dark blue really well. It reminds her of the ocean, as the wave crashes by the shore on Jeju Island.

Sometimes, maybe finding you way back home leads to where it had lost in the first place.


It had been two days. And those two days feel like an absolute nightmare for Jeon Jungkook. He had kissed (possibly make out) some of the girls he had known especially during his college years due to his own stress his father had gave. And the company reputation either. But they had never send him butterflies the way Park Chaeyoung did.

It had also been two days after she had left. She had resigned from this company and now, she was no where. And he keeps on missing her. Jungkook's father had already assigned him to a new secretary from his choice, and he couldn't say no.

I'm leaving soon, those words still echoes in his mind. She didn't tell him, where or when. She apologise and left.

He (unknowingly) develop feelings towards her the moment she steps in as his secretary. He feels as if she really attractive and beautiful. He deny it, of course but now he realised that he can't no longer hide his one sided feelings. At first, it's attraction. And now, it's perfectly described as love.

Jungkook turn to his countless works and file on his table, trying to stay focused and not let the woman he had liked for years distracted him.

Then, his phone who he thought it was on silent mode rang, notified him a new message. Jungkook decided to ignored as he thought that was from his father, but curious fill over him. An unknown message ring in his phone, he glanced on it as he furrow his eyes brow in confusion. Who? And how did this person gets his number?


He takes his phone as another message was send.

It's me, chaeyoung. Do you want to meet up? Let's talk.

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