two things about rivals | 03

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Jungkook is a gifted grryfindor. Well, he is though. He was brave, eversince he was a kid. Thought to be obedient and resourceful. A young man who is adore by literally everyone, and a pure golden. Except there only one thing he can't seems to master. And there no hexes or magic to proof this.

"is there any reason you want to see me?" chaeyoung is out of breath, literally is.

"also..." she speak, holding a hand up as a 'wait a minute' sign. Jungkook observed her, without talking.

"Why on earth is this stairs is sooo long?" she's said, taking a sit down on the floor- facing the view from here. Mostly, it was crowded with a beautiful scenery of the lake and plenty of trees. It's really is gorgeous up here. And peaceful.

Maybe, this could be my favourite spot.

He grins, "well?" chaeyoung is definitely annoyed. Stabbing him with her glaring eyes.

He take a seat beside her.

"Don't be mad." he assured her.

"I'm already mad." she snapped.

Jungkook took the time to find the right words and to explained.

"I need a tourist guide." he said.

Chaeyoung furrow her eyesbrows in surprised. What a weird request from Jeon Jungkook.

"You need a tourist guide?" she repeated.

"Yes and.. I thought of you to-"

"Don't finish the sentence!" she snapped. Already knew where is this gonna heading. So, he called me here, half the midnight, climbing up the stairs just for him to say he needed a tourist guide? In conclusion, he's a dumbass.

Jungkook freezed.

"you unbelievable, Jeon Jungkook." she snorted. "you just ruin my 8 hours of sleep for absolutely nothing!" chaeyoung whined.

"I swear I'm gonna ripped out your throat soon." she warned but he didn't care.

Jungkook continued taking up benefits for his requests.

"Well, this is a good excuse to not be hanging out with my parents though.." he suggested.

"aren't spending there is so much better than spending with you?"

"ouch. I'm hurt."

Chaeyoung ignored, but she can't hide the smile she's showing.

And he smiled too.

He didn't realised how pretty chaeyoung bare-faced is. Perhaps much prettier than he can ever imagine.

"Here is my plans for summer." he grab a piece of old paper, scripted with old oak tree. And it's smell old too. Very authentic and vintage.

"Is there any reason you giving me this?"

"didn't I say? I want you to be my-"

"just give me those!" she take the paper without needing to hear words from him again.

Chaeyoung scrunch up her nose upon the wicked old smell. She opened the paper and read the parchment.

"your handwriting is bloody nasty." she complain.

Jungkook pouted.

Then, she read all of his lists. Words through words. Jungkook's plans for the whole summer. Like a grocery shopping lists. He just named a few. Maybe some lists he thinks he can do in a day.

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