stay | 06

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The hospital rooftop was quiet and peaceful, park chaeyoung could see hundreds of buildings from there, sound of cars driving passed the road. The cold air hits her skin, with the beautiful layers of dark blue skies.

She was happy. And felt the sense of comfort.

And the way her father smile, as if that was the first time she had ever seen him like this.

"I'm so glad you decided to see me." the middle aged man said- he tried to stand up but failed. He's softly chuckle, "And I'm sorry for not being the greatest dad, and making your life harder than it is." she remembered on how she could feel the sincerity on the tone of his dad voice. She smiled and feel the world finally giving her a chance to be free from the madness.

Then, she's remembered him. Jeon Jungkook. She's remember the way she let him kiss her. He was so passionate about the kiss. And it makes her smile a bit. Maybe Jennie was right, maybe it's time to let go of the hatred and move forward. Maybe she had already like Jeon Jungkook─ to the point she can't no longer admitted her feelings.

"Find a man that will treat and love you right," her dad voice echoes in her head. "I want you to be happy," he told her. Truly, relationship does scares her. She never been in a relationship and to starts off, feels like a burden she can't no longer afford to carried.

Chaeyoung phone still show the message she so hesitant to send, but she really need to faced him. And tells Jungkook what she truly feels.

So she did it with a ease.

A moment later, she immediately got the replied.


"Mr Jeon," his new secretary entered his office. Mrs Kim gazed on his new boss as he is busy fixing himself- as he wanted to look extra neat.

She ignored and said, "As scheduled, we will be flying off to Japan next week to met our new investors and discussed the project we're had been working on."

He nodded and sign her off to continued. Jungkook puts on his jacket.

"As for today, we will have a meeting with the team regarding our project in Japan in a few minutes." she told him.

"today?" she nodded.

He cursed, "cancel it," he quickly says.

The new secretary surprisingly looks at him as that was a horrid suggestion, "Sir, we can't cancel it."

He look frustrated. "Well then, postpone it, Mrs Kim." he suggests. "do your job." he added.

"I be back later," with that Jungkook passed his new secretary and went out of his office.


When she'd had first arrived at the place, it was quiet and noticed how there weren't any people inside. He must had reserved this whole place for us to have a proper conversation. Oh, how rich this man is.

One of the workers- whom had been waiting for her bring her to the top of the rooftop as she saw how beautiful the night skies is. Her heart began to race when she saw him, standing onto the edge of the building.

Jungkook noticed her and smile.

"chaeyoung.." he speaks and she misses the sound of his voice.

"I'm sorry, I'm late." she told him.

"I haven't wait long," he lied.

"Jungkook, I'm here to tell you that─"she speaks and held a deep breath, ".. Maybe you should forget what happened that day. I think, I wasn't thinking straight." she added.

Chaeyoung observed Jungkook and the look of his face weren't easy to read.

He let out a sad chuckle,"You have other reasons, right? I know it's not true." he persistent, and she could definitely see it.

"Jungkook," she speaks in a devastating tone. "If we ever have a relationship, I'm not sure when I will back. I wanted to stay as long as I can, Jungkook and I feel being in a relationship will be a burden to us."

"I don't care a distance relationship. Why should I care? As long as you come back─"

"That's the problem!" she raised her voice. "I'm not sure when- and... I'm not sure if I can. I don't want you to grow tired of me and we will be miserable, and we wished we haven't done it─ when you find someone new." her voice crack.

"Please, understand me." she said.

"I couldn't never," he utter and it was heartbroken to see.

His shoulder slump, "Do you like me?" he said. The question caught her off guard.

"do you?" he asked again.

"I do," she whispered.

"I do like you, Jungkook." chaeyoung had finally said it.

He smiled, "then I don't see the problem, chaeyoung. Please give me a chance to show how much I love you." he approached her even more, she didn't budge.

Chaeyoung look away, she couldn't held anymore eye-contact to faced him. Jeon Jungkook was always so persistent and demanded, it was almost impossible to convinced him.

"Then-" she said after a long time of silence, "Let's go for a date before I leave. We see if things can workout sooner."

He smile.

And it did─ with every piece of love that attached.


a/n bonus chapter or end it like this?

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