two things about rivals | 04

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Jeon Jungkook was astonished being in Seoul. I meant it's not like he had never been here before, he did but he never experienced the real fun of it. Jungkook just stares around with wide eyes, chaeyoung who is beside him chuckle. He look like a different person, like the most happiest person she had ever saw.

"close your mouth shut, you look like a tourist." Jungkook heard, yeah. It's kind of embarrassing to be one. Jungkook just grin to her. Plastering one of his charming smile known to mankind.

She look over at his lists, wrapping her ravenclaw head on how on earth is she supposed to do this?

"you know what?" she said, putting the paper back on her tote bag she had always bring. "let's go and have some breakie." she said, leading her way as Jungkook followed her from behind.

Wandering what the hell is a breakie?


So, breakie is what Australians called breakfast. A slang word. Very Interesting. Breakie might be his favourite word now.

"I have one strawberry smoothies with some whipping cream and some chocolate caramel cookies." she note down her order, as she looked over at Jungkook.

Then, she realised on Jungkook didn't know what the hell is this. He looked confusingly on the menu. The waiter waited while tapping down her pen onto the thick paper.

"... and he have... uh... banana smoothies." she look over at Jungkook for some assuring if this the type of drink he prefer but, of course it's no use. He just look clueless than ever.

".. please." the waiter nodded and left.

Now, Jeon Jungkook had officially learn two words now by his unofficial teacher, chaeyoung. Breakie and smoothies.

"how do you know I like bananas drink?" he asked. Curious cause he had never told her his favourite meal moreover drinks.

"I see you always drink it so I just assumed you like those." she strugs, like it's not a big deal but for Jungkook. Yes, it's a big deal. That's means she knew about him more than he knows.

This is getting interesting.

"so..tell me, what else do you know about me?" chaeyoung look at him, a bit shocked. What does he even meant? Luckily, the orders had arrived so the questions just started to fade away.

He took a sip and try the fresh baked cookies. "man, this is good." she smiled. Knowing he had like this small appetizer.

"I know you do." she said. He laugh and so did she.


"oh, you should tried this!" chaeyoung said, she grab his hand and lead to a small stalls near the park. Jungkook followed her, he carried the records music he brought when they were at the music store before. Jungkook loves music, he had been a fan with the Korea famous artist, IU. The thing is that he also never know that chaeyoung perfectly have the same taste as him.

She helps him with everything and that's make Jungkook happy.

"halmeoni, two packs of spicy tteokbokki please." she said. Jungkook had tried tteokbokki but he never tried a perfectly cooked one as he rarely tries homemade dishes.

"here some more tteokbokki for you and your boyfriend." the sweet lady said with a smile.

Chaeyoung was taken back, "oh no." she denied. "we not actually-"

"thank you, halmeoni." Jungkook cut her.

"My girlfriend actually like those." he added. Grinning as he took those tteokbokki off her hands. Chaeyoung were shocked but he lead them away before paying her.

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