stay | 01

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wherein jeon jungkook, long committed secretary park chaeyoung offers to resign. he thought that the world pandemic wasn't the worst to come.

"He an ass." park chaeyoung annoyingly said, to Kim Jisoo. She frown, her strawberries smoothies continued to be sipped to drain down her angered thoughts over her boss which she labels him as a mere lucifer.

"what did he say now?" Jisoo laugh.

"How could you laugh? He so unserious! Seriously did ever that cold blooded lucifer man learn to smile?"

In years park chaeyoung work with him, she never seem to see his smile. Even the smallest slight. He just hummes in compliment. She learns overtime from the staff and of course gossips, both of his parents died and he lives with his grandparents which kinda made chaeyoung felt sorry for him but that doesn't meant he could be an ass?

Then, she told Jisoo how he reacted this morning. About chaeyoung resigning position as his secretary.

"I'm resigning, sir."

Which to chaeyoung sudden surprise, he scoffed. Of course, she would expect this. "I have no time for jokes, Miss Park." he stand up, sneering. His eyes feel like a cold vampire trying to prey for his next victims.

"We don't want to be late for our first meeting."

"he said, I was joking when I'm terribly serious!" she snapped which earn a hushes from the staff.

"chaeyoung, you had been his secretary for.. five years now! How could you even handle him?" Jisoo asked.

"it's not like I have a choice." she signed. She pouted and remembering flashbacks.

"My dad was in a huge of debt, I have to work to get some money so with all the degree I got from college .. here I am. And for the rest, you already knew the story." chaeyoung said, reminding her back.

"for five years?"

"yes, Mrs Jisoo. That long." she rolled her eyes. Honestly, chaeyoung never knew she had patience withing her. "Now, I couldn't stand him anymore. A shame he got good looks, but his behaviour is a mere lucifer, Unnie!"

"beside, if it wouldn't for my dad. You wouldn't had never met my brother." chaeyoung teased Jisoo.

Jisoo blushes. Kim Jisoo is Park Chaeyoung sister in law, she had been married with chaeyoung older brother Park Taehyung for two years now. From the moment they had met, chaeyoung knew she had been destined to met Jisoo. They had always shares each other worries for years now, like sisters.

"So.. what are you gonna do with your boss?" Jisoo quick to change the topic, she a bits embarrassed talking about her marriage life.

"what else should I do?" chaeyoung pouted. Jisoo strugs, and she glared to the older.

"either way, I'm still resigning." she said eventhought perhaps it wouldn't end well.


It's 3 pm, chaeyoung just returned having lunch with Jisoo and now she standing again behind the door holding her resignation letter. Insane to think, she had been his secretary for five years. And how here she are, resigning.

Chaeyoung glanced over at the name placed onto the door. Jeon Jungkook. One of the most wealthiest ceo in Korea, or possibly the world. Chaeyoung had been outside out of Korea joining him with parties, important meetings and many more. She need breaks from this mess. She hates going to the same county over and over again for 5 times in 3 months.

Even though he a mere lucifer, he payed his employers really well. She had payed his father debt and also his father hospital bills who is currently sick for almost a year. Her brother, Kim Taehyung works as a director from another company. She rarely sees him since he had lived with his loving wife while chaeyoung lives with her roommate, lalisa manoban.

After a full 5 minutes, she slowly knocked on the door. She heard him says 'come in' which she does and close the door behind her. His office is neat and ready huge, almost as huge as her shared apartment.

Jungkook glanced over at her and continued with his works, "Yes, Miss Park? Is there anything?"

Chaeyoung took a deep breath, while second time a charm. "Here, Mr Jeon." she put her resignation letter on the table.

Jungkook sees what's wrote on the front of the letter, he sneered. "please stop wasting my time. I have better things to do."

Chaeyoung look at him in disbelief, is this a joke to him? I'm incredibly serious!

"sir, please. I'm resigning." she said, through her greeted teeth. Trying so hard to not yelled at him.

Jungkook stop what's he doing. And took a full glanced at her. He took her letter and read it, "may I know the reason?"

"I had work here for 5 years, sir. I think I just needed some time for myself." she said, almost like an interview as she knew he would asked this.

"so you need a break?"

She nodded. From you, obviously.

"sure then, I gave you a full one month break and then you come back for work." he casually said before putting his full attention on his works.

He's soo ...

Is this dude thinks im still joking to resign?

"Mr Jeon, please take a full consideration on this. I'm resigning from this position as your secretary. I'm not needing a break." chaeyoung calmly said again. Without him replied, she bowed before leaving his office in such anger.


"How did it go?" lalisa manoban asked, her roommate. Friends since college. Lisa is a dance instructor from a famous company in Seoul. After graduate, they both decided to be each other roommates again. To save up some cash.

"Well, it did go well." she said. "He didn't reject?" lisa asked again.

Chaeyoung remember how Jungkook walk out from his office without even sparing a glanced on her. He definitely not happy with her decision.

"no, but he's not happy either," she frowned. "So what now?" lisa sat across her, digging their pancakes with maple syrup and berries.

"I will working with him for a couple of weeks before a new secretary will be assigned to him, and then I'm free." chaeyoung said, according what she wrote on the letter.

Lisa chuckle, she knows chaeyoung never enjoyed working with her boss. Chaeyoung would always rant to her everytime he tried to annoyed her.

"And.." chaeyoung perk up, ".. How about you? What will you do?"

She's strugs, chaeyoung doesn't have any plans yet. She still confused. "Anyways, my car broke down yesterday. Can you give me a lift?" chaeyoung bring another pancakes to her mouth.

Lisa nodded.

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