stay with me (bonus)

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"When are you coming back?" he asked-through a facetime in his office. He misses her.

Chaeyoung chuckle behind the camera, she find it too adorable. On the other hand, she is in Jeju Island. Far from Jungkook.

"Jungkook, I'm still not sure." she responded.

He pouted.

Two Months.

Those two months made him grew insane. Jeon Jungkook is not a patience person and despite waiting. So every minute, he keep hoping till the day Park chaeyoung return. If Jeon Jungkook can wait for five years, he definitely can wait for a few more right?

"where are you right now?" he continued to asked seeing on how the wind blew against her hair and he could see how shiny the sky is.

"At the beach." she says while facing the camera to the ocean in front of her.

Oh right.

"what are you doing now?"

"working." he simply said.

His response made chaeyoung feel guilty. She knows he waiting but the thought of her leaving this place is the least she could think off.

"are you mad?" she said in a slow voice.

"no," he answered. Afterwards, there no response. He feels bad and he sigh, "chae-"

"Jungkook, I'm sorry. I have to go now! I see you later." she finished the call.

He look astonished, a moment later she send a picture of herself pouting on the camera.

She looks beautiful.

He might had too booked a flight ticket to Jeju.


[flashback. flashback \0_0/]

In the glimpse of Paris, Jeon Jungkook had always remember every little moment he had shared with her. He definitely aware the despite feeling she had on him, it honestly made his heart feel heated. As if maybe, she never liked him. So, that's why he keep quiet. He wanted to move on from the one sided love.

He looked outside the window, dress in black suit to prepared to go to an exclusive meeting in Paris. The drive to the destination were quiet, none were talking throughout the drive. He glanced over to his secretary, park chaeyoung as he secretly observed her focusing on the tablet for their meeting. He hides his smile.

"Mr Jeon."chaeyoung says quietly before glancing at him, "He cancel it," she continued. Feeling too shocked.

"excuse me?"

"Mr Kim, our investor cancel the meeting." she says.

She could heard him cursed silently.

There no way Jeon Jungkook wouldn't get mad as he have a bad temper with people who wasted his time. So chaeyoung quickly suggests to go to a nearby restaurant to have some lunch. And he reluctantly agreed.

She started to dig in to the food, a plain old carbonara was served as it always remind her when taehyung cooked this.

"I always wanted to Paris." she told, observing to the new culture she experienced.

"You do?" he raised an eyebrow, "It's is your first time?" he asked a question.

She nodded with a small smile.

"Then, let's go."

"what?" she murmured.

"Let's enjoy Paris."


"It's say that you will met your soulmates." chaeyoung told him, eyes sparking looking through one of the beautiful landmark in Paris. The Eiffel Tower. As in had always named as the city of love.

Jungkook softly scoffed, "I have been here a thousand time and I had never found one."

"..maybe because you're unlucky." she jokingly told and ran to the middle of the tower, posing beautifully for a picture.

Jungkook took a picture, snapping frame of photo as he thinks he had found a beautiful angel smiling at him. Admiring the beautiful view. He hides his stupid smile.

"I never know you were so good in taking pictures, sir." she gasped in suprised, seeking how beautiful and aesthetic he took. She saved all of those.

"I took photography as my second major back then." he simply told her.

She nodded, and then started seeking the other places she wanted to do in Paris.

"well, let's go!" she started to run off.

He looked at his watch and noticed how late it is, but he decided to followed her instead. Maybe those memories back in Paris didn't mean nothing to chaeyoung, but it means everything to Jungkook, because that's when he's had already falls so hard to someone like her. He slightly thanked the person who cancel the meeting.

[done flashback \0_0/]


Those two months in Jeju Island feels nice and. To feels a slight of peace from the Island but it was lonely to say the least. And she now ready- to go home. Park Chaeyoung had already booked a ticket back to Korea. She'd of course planned to surprised him. But at the moment she at the reception counter, ready to fly back home.

The woman told to wait and told her, she will be boarding another plane. Those confused her, as park chaeyoung was sure that the woman was mistaken. A moment later, another staff came and gesture that her plane had arrived. Chaeyoung began to thinks they're had mistaken her for another person instead.

Until, she gaze onto the plane in front of her.

It was Jeon Jungkook private plane.

Did he?

From that moment, a hand grab her wrist as her body turned to faced a very familiar figure in front of her. She let out a small gasped in surprised, her eyes wided in shocked.

"Jungkook?" she murmured, "What are you doing.. here?" chaeyoung added. Still surprised to see him after months.

"surprising you," he carassed her hair and hid a strand of hair behind her ear. Getting her full view.

She looks gorgeous, as always.

"How do you know I'm here?"

"you know you can't hide anything from me." he lean abit more closer until she could feel his breath hitting her face.

"I think I had love you way too much."

He kisses her.

Deeply and passionately.

He allowed himself to kiss her, as her trace her mouth. She slowly deepen the kiss, as he pulls her body closer to his arms. When she pulls away, chaeyoung stare at him shockingly.

"I miss you, chaeyoung."

She smile.

"I'm not going anywhere now. I stay with you."

a/n : That's a wrap! Hope you're enjoy! I know it kinda suck but I don't have any ideas 😭

Please help me choose! I'm stucked here. For my next au, do you prefer like a) idols who had been in a secret relationship and all those things or b) modern princess rosie meets famous footballer jungkook and falls in love smthg lmfao. This is just a sneak peak! The whole story will involve later but that's a secret─ SOOO? :D

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