this love | 02

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Jeon Jungkook passed the test with flying colors, even surprising his math teacher. He even told him he rewrite and check everything down to see what he really see is true. And it is.

Jungkook feel really proud, it also means he can get back to the team in no time and it's all thanks to-

"Jungkook! I heard, congrats pal." chaeyoung attacked him with a hug. He stood frozen, completing on what to do since her little secret is out. First, he felt kind of uncomfortable when he knows.

Park Chaeyoung, his best friend likes him.

How can chaeyoung like him? And why? And when?

But he kept it a secret because she still that little chaeyoung he used to know. It's better this way anyway. He bound to tell her soon though. It just needed the right time.

"I treat you your favorite food! How that sound?"

He nodded but this time with a smile.

"great let's go! My classes are finished anyways." she giggle and cheered along them way. Jungkook just decided to followed her from behind.

The café nearby look quieter this time with small amounts of people. Great, privacy. They sat beside the hug windows where they normally were served. After ordering the food consists of their own desire refreshments. They began to talk.

"Prom is coming." Jungkook began, as chaeyoung nodded. Three days, chaeyoung weren't fond with prom. Same goes to Jungkook. Normally, these last years. They skipped and goof around at the park, but this time it's a bit different. It's senior year. At least tried to attend right?

"ah yeah, I didn't even noticed." she said sounds uninterested.

"who are you coming with?"

"no idea. I think I'm coming alone. You?"

Jungkook nodded and then he said, "I thought maybe we can come together." he said. Jungkook lay his normal expression.

Chaeyoung choked, so hard. Jungkook become worried and gave her a glass of water to adjusted.

Chaeyoung drinks it, and then stares on Jungkook. Is he serious?


"no, I thought that absurd!"

''why? We always together, what's the point of coming with me. It can't be that bad.'' he shrugged.

Maybe? Maybe I can confessed my feelings too? Chaeyoung drinks her smoothies. Uh, not a chance! He probably rejected me.

"alright, fine but I'm just there for the food!"

He giggled, ''fine.''


Prom night began.

Chaeyoung look at herself in the mirror, with a borrowed dress from Jennie closet. Chaeyoung brunette hair is slighty curls which look wavy. Her red dress with thousands of blinks makes her extra glory.

''oh god, why is this dress so tight?'' she said, crying inside cause she can't ruined her make-up which take Jennie forever to did.

Jungkook arrived but he outside her house. ''took you long enough!'' he said while staring at her. Every piece of details is extremely gorgeous.

''how do I look?'' chaeyoung said as she put over a sarcastic smile. With a bit of a twirls.

''horrible. Like a clown.'' yeah- that's not true. He open the door.

''yeah, thanks. You look bad yourself.'' she entered. Jungkook laugh it off as he likes to tease her over the smallest little things. But Jungkook can't hide the fact that is the first time she makes his heart flutter- real inside.


Prom wasn't a blast. That's all chaeyoung could ever think off. Thank god, the foods didn't disappoint her. Or else, what else she could do? The night become darker as every minutes goes by, Jungkook gave her his coat to keep her warmth.

They outside- where all those natural things fly. It's look forbidden. Chaeyoung can't help to think how much they look like an actually real couple instead of those sick old friends, he label them.

'They dancing inside, should we?'' Jungkook said, he heard the soft-melody from inside the halls. It sound endearing romantic.

Chaeyoung second guess but she takes his hands, ''alright but don't make fun of me. I can't dance too well.'' she laugh it off.

It's started with some chips of laughter since chaeyoung pointed heels kills of his leg- as she keep on apologising and saying she ruining the dance at all. He think it's rather cute.

He can't help but wonder but hers confession. She likes him.

And Jungkook things it's time.

"rosie, since when?" he began, the dance between them become more and more intense. He can't hard this forever, Jungkook demand answers.

"what?" she say, following his rhythms.

"since when did you started to like me?"

What? Chaeyoung freeze and feel like she might break through the walls. She stop dancing and eventually stares at him in shocked.

"h-how did you.. know?"

"That's not the point."he signed, but he keep on dancing. "When chaey?"

"eversince.. the day we first met. We were so young and immature. It just love at first sight." she confessed her true feeling. And it maybe didn't make any sense but to her at least it did.

Jungkook finally got his answer he been waiting.

"move on chaeyoung.." he said.

His decision comes clear.

"I don't want to get your hope up but I don't feel nothing, you are just a.. friend. I'm really am sorry, chae." he let go of her.

"oh." -it's rejected.

Chaeyoung finally got her answer. But she determined.

"do you really think of me as a friend? Just friends? Nothing at all?"

"yes, and that what I been trying to say to you. Look, chaey I just- I just truly don't want to do this but I also don't want to keep pretended all of this is fine and-''

"right, I get, I get. Just stop, please." she said, nearly a begged. Chaeyoung don't want to heard things that only makes her heart shatter to pieces. Even more to the person she really loved- for many years. She thought, he felt something- but she guesses wrong.

It's all lies.

"I accept it, we friends. There nothing else. I'm really sorry for loving you." chaeyoung said- completely heartbroken and empty. He was his prince to be happy and lost souls.

He was also her first love and.. her first ever heartbreak.

a / n : published the last one tomorrow !! also sorry for typos, my bad :'^

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