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"Did you heard that Mr Jeon is finding a date?"

"The rumours are spreading all over now. I wonder who she might be!"

The sound of the two young girls who are busy applying some makeup onto their faces before finally decided to leave her alone, Chaeyoung feels as if this day had already gone wrong in many difficult situations. As she faced the mirror, looking at her own silly reflection.

Terrible indeed.

Her whie shirt is now drench with tea, and now she trying as hard as possible to clean the stained off.

"stupid, stupid, stupid." she mumble to herself several times as she remembered the embarrassing flashback that come within her, cue a few minutes ago.

"No miss park, I'm asking you out as a date."

A date?

Chaeyoung look at Jungkook with a shocked expression, as her eyes slightly wided in surprised.

"what?" she said.

Jungkook grin, expecting this to happened. Suddenly, she stand up from the chair in a hurry when the drink she ordered before fall from the table which causes a huge stained on her shirt.

And the rest is an unbothered history.

How can she be so stupid?

How can she faced him after this?

The stained still wouldn't come off. What's worse is that she didn't have another extra clothes to wear and she definitely wouldn't go home because her car broke down, she wouldn't never trouble lisa to come pick her up just for a mistake. Even as if that's the only option she have.

Chaeyoung buttoned up her blazer to covered up her damp shirt as she looked to see her reflection, as she giving herself some motivation.

Even as if she knows that he still be there.

She left the public bathroom with a nervous feeling, it still took at least fifteen minutes just for her to reached her floor, as she now arrived. Chaeyoung suspiciously look over the area so that she wouldn't stumbled across him. Of course, since her office is near him.

She released a huge sigh in realize after she had finally entered her office with no sight of Jungkook around.

To her surprised, she sees a new saint laurent bag on her table which contains a white buttoned shirt that could easily replaced her damaged one.

"Did he buy this?" she murmured in surprised. Looking as if the shirt cost more than a fortune.

Inside the bag, she sees a small handwritten note.

I'm still waiting for an answer.
- jungkook.


Jeon Jungkook really feels as he had fck up big time. The whole plan is to try to asked park chaeyoung out as a date for the gala ball. And now she had run off the restaurant, feeling embarrassed due to a unfortunate mistake.

He sits at his car, wondering for a moment before he called his personal driver.

"Yes, Mr Jeon?" he speaks.

"order a women white blouse immediately from Saint Laurent, I want the package as soon as possible before we arrived at the company." he order his man while he slips his hand onto the phone.

He raised an eyebrows when he received no answer, "Is that clear?"

"oh. Yes, sir." the driver nodded.

And the package did arrived.

He checks the box and slips a small message onto it, as he bring it towards Miss Park Chaeyoung office.


I'm still waiting for an answer.

The answer? For being his date? And attending the gala ball with him? Chaeyoung feels in a headache, and it's definitely not in a good way. She checks the time, and noticed she still have to repayed Jimin a lunch for ditching him.


Park Jimin isn't a terrible companion. Sure, he annoying at time and likes to flirt alot but definitely he way better than him.

".. with whom you going now?" she asked.

Jimin grinned, one of chaeyoung closest co-workers in this company. Her ultimate rant person.

"Kim Jennie. I managed to seal a date with her." he sounded pleased.

"Really?" she says in surprised. "I thought she hated you." she added.

"My Oh My, park chaeyoung. You surely are a girl but you definitely do not think like a girl."

She glared at him. As if.

"Who are you going with?" Jimin now asked.


"to the gala, of course." he says like that's the only logical answer.


"Well who am I kidding, you going with Jungkook right? As his secretary, you should."

She glanced at him and the thought of him being right scares her.

"Is that too obvious?"

"Well, is not that he has a girlfriend or something. You're the only woman I had ever seen to be the closest to him." he strugged.

Is that something to be brag about? Chaeyoung rather not. She pouted.

"Shouldn't he feels like going alone? Why must he has a stupid date?" she whined.

Jimin sneaks a glanced, "Ceo going alone to an important event? Sounds off to me. Imagine the rumours."

This conversation with Jimin suddenly brought truth. Of course, the only obvious answer! He should have a date to save his face from the media. It's not like he has feelings of her. Or something else.

Now, chaeyoung thinks of being his date isn't really that bad. Minus the hatred feeling.

a/n : this story would be more than 4 updates, though im still not sure how many. another update would also be coming soon:)

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