exes | 01

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wherein park chaeyoung, her first love gets back into her life and make everything feel right again.

Park Chaeyoung gets dump the second time this year. And all the reasons are invalid, she being too serious. Too committed over the relationship. Aren't that what partners supposed to do? Avoid cheating. Dumb pathetic jerks.

She open her phone and deleted all the chats with him, chaeyoung deletes everything in anger. And suddenly remembered what he had said. Her last boyfriend before she got dumped at the restaurant.

"it's not you, it's me." he sighed, pursuing his lips and looking away before finding a moment to say, "I'm sorry but I think we should break up."

Chaeyoung rolled her eyes, she too annoyed to even be thinking about it. She remember how she accepted his break up and it was officially over for the both of them, hell she never gonna see him ever again. All because she thought she could better.

Then, the door ring. Indicating her roommate, Kim Jennie had arrived from campus and well, all hell break loose when she knows.

Chaeyoung told Jennie everything in details and she could feel her anger burning. "He such a jerk anyway, I'm glad you both are done." Jennie said comforting her first. "he not worth it, chae. He an asshole and an idiot."

"I know he not, it just that this is not my proudest moment to get dump again and again." she frown. It's true, she dated someone at high school. Her first love but she chooses to broke up with him before he left for the states.

So, she tries to move on and date another boy last year but that didn't last long so she got dump for the first time. Then, Chanyeol dump her next with the same reason.

"how about this? Our school band performing live in College soon. Maybe you could come and have fun." Jennie suggested before giving a glass of orange juice.

Chaeyoung narrowed her eyes, "You know I don't attend this kind of stuff."

"chae, it's just a school band and stuff. You can skip the drinks. We just gonna have girls night out with Jisoo and Lisa." Jennie suggested again, "besides, you always skipped this. Please, chae. For us." Jennie pouted with her tempting puppy eyes. She's know her weakness.

"when is this again?" chaeyoung sigh, feeling irritated but she knows she had always skipped parties and stuff so for the sake of her best friends. She gave up.


"sorry, I'm late." she mumbled to her older friend, Kim Jisoo. She put down her bag and open her laptop, as the lecturer is teaching in front of class. Both of them are seated at the back row.

"I heard from Jennie, you got dump." Jisoo said, not looking at her.

Chaeyoung rolled her eyes, "I know, unnie. I'm sorry, I should trusted you." she said.

"you know I'm right," Jisoo chuckled, still not looking at her.

"what are you doing after this?" she added a question.

"meeting Lisa, she needs some help from her film class and whatever." chaeyoung type on her computer, doing class notes.

"I swear if she asked me to film some cats for her project, she done." chaeyoung annoyingly said.

"well, good luck." she smiles at her.

After the lecturer end in a hour, Jisoo have to go to another class while chaeyoung is free to help Lisa.

"see you tonight, unnie." chaeyoung bid her goodbye as soon as the lecturer started to dismissed them. Chaeyoung stop at the local café to order some caramel latte and some cheese tarts, she look over her phone while she grab the latte on her left hand.

where are youuuu?!!

I'm already here 🙄 just have to find you.

You better 😡

Just when chaeyoung about to texts back, she bumped into a man so hard as her latte spills onto the man shirt. Chaeyoung gasped, she still grip on the cup while the latte is all over his shirt. Luckily, she didn't choose a hot drink.

"oh my god." she mumbled. "I'm so sorry." chaeyoung panicked to the unknown figure.

As when she about to look for some tissue or towels, a voice called. ".. chaeyoung?" she stops, chaeyoung recognise that voice. His voice. Sounded so familiar. After all those years, it's still the same.

Chaeyoung look over him, and gasped. She could feel her heart beats pounding so fast.

"Jungkook?" her first love.

Jungkook smiles in surprise, he looks good. Better than ever. He grew taller and dashing. He just look like one of those famous korean idols. Jungkook look even more perfect. It's felt slow-mo as like the time had stops, why is he here?

"chaeyoung, there you are!" she breaks the eye-contact. Lisa grab her wrist, "do you know how much I was waiting for you?" she said before looking at the person she was talking too. Lisa gasped, "you know him and ... the heck just happened?" she looked over at Jungkook.

Chaeyoung look over at lisa, "I'm sorry but I have to go." she signal lisa with her eyes, before turning around to faced Jungkook. "it's really nice to see you, Jungkook." she said. "And I pay you back for the shirt!"

"me either.." chaeyoung walks away with lisa, not even glancing at him anymore.

"... chaeyoung."


[ a short one slightly requested by @chaeisforkoo <3 ]

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