two things about rivals (bonus)

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Jeon Jungkook remember how he had fallen inlove. Of course, like others. He denied this feeling. He know he shouldn't but Jungkook couldn't help himself. And when time passed more, he realised he had fallen. Everyday and every seconds.

Jungkook sigh, looking at the side of the empty field of the Quiddith Area. Just like chaeyoung, he found peace being here.

"why can't I just forgot about her?" Jungkook mumbled. He pursued his lips, he can't. Everything remind him of chaeyoung. Maybe this time, he should let go to this stupid one sided love.

Jungkook turn around, leaving the area. Only to found the person he had missed so much standing a few meters away from him. He looked at her shockingly, while chaeyoung is please to finally found him.

"chaeyoung?" she's heard him called her name, "Jungkook." she said. Chaeyoung took a deep breath, still trying to found the perfect words. Still trying to be with him.

"look." she said. "before you say anything, I just want to give you this." chaeyoung move forward. Everything steps to him is like completing years of them being together. And how they're story would end.

"here," she give him the photo. Jungkook could feel her bare skin brushing to him the moment she gave him the photo, it's warmth.

Then, he took a glanced on the photo. It was them but as kids, a much more younger version of them now. She look so happy and so did him.  "You still keep this?" he asked.

"I have bunch more." she said, "Jungkook, look behind it." chaeyoung added.

He heard and does it, only to find some words she wrote. It says, "I like you too, Jungkook."

"Jungkook." chaeyoung began.

"I'm sorry for not knowing all these time when I should have. I'm sorry for acting mean to you when I just shouldn't. When all these time, you were.. supporting me. Thank you for waiting for me." soon, she could feel tears in her eyes and how cracked her voice sounded.

"And, it's okay if you hate me. It's okay if you humiliated me. I know I'm wrong and I-"

He kissed her lips. Pulling her closer and closing the gap between their mouth. Jungkook could tasted her strawberry lip gloss. They're forehead touch. And chaeyoung kiss him back. He grinned.

"don't ever say that again," he groaned between their kiss. Chaeyoung could see the lusts between his eye. "I love you, chaeyoung." Jungkook look deep right through her, she smiles. Before wanting back for the second round.


Jungkook definitely couldn't keep their relationship a secret. He would make eye contact with her and flirts whenever he gets a second. He would sneakily give her a peck whenever there no one. Chaeyoung wouldn't denied she wouldn't like it but it does made her pissed off.

So, when a girl confessed her love for Jeon Jungkook, the secret might just spills.

"I like you, Jungkook." she said, in a whisper tone but Jungkook caught her. It was those two friends spreading rumours about him. There were in the hallway where students were in class. It was the grryfindor prefect, Minatozaki Sana and her friend Kang Seulgi.

Jungkook look at her, in surprised. He narrowed his eyes to Sana, knowing what will bound to happen to Sana fragile heart. He could see gossip about him being the heartbreaker, but Jungkook knows that he belong to someone else. And she already belong to him too.

"sorry, I already have a girlfriend." he rejected her. "I'm really sorry," Jungkook added.

Her friend knudge her shoulder and she have a brief eye contact with her- 'see, I told you so!'

"it's okay, Jungkook. We get going-" Seulgi said. Trying not to disturb the poor guy again.

"who?" sana asked again, demanding not to gave up. She ignored Seulgi.

He stares at the two girls, and suddenly remember how chaeyoung said about keeping their relationship a secret.

"roseanne park." he grin. This wouldn't end well.

The two girls look over him in shocked, who would expect jeon jungkook and roseanne park are dating? Especially Jungkook, confirming them too. "what..?" she mumbled, still in surprised. Her mouth wide open.

He smirked, "sorry, have to go. Couldn't be late to met her." he walks away. Jungkook knew, chaeyoung is gonna have a heart attack when she start hearing when he just said.

And of course, extreme chaos begins shortly after. Knowing the two most unexpected people, liking each other.

 And it's a wrap! Finally

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.. And it's a wrap! Finally. I can work onto some new ones. Hope you enjoyed reading them as much as I like writing them! <3 Also, do let me know if you interested on getting another bonus chapter from this story bcs I might just have another perfect ending ..

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