with you | 04

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After almost a week of returning back to her older department, park chaeyoung immediately buried herself onto work. She now responsible for treating the patients with help among her supervisor. Amongst them, Kim Jisoo, her senior and friend noticed how weird chaeyoung is. It's not weird actually, her behaviour seems so out of placed.

"Is that one, chaeyoung!" Jisoo told when she noticed how chaeyoung misplaced the meds given.

She greeted her teeth, "sorry," she murmured.

"You know you had been acting strange?" Jisoo leaned on the counter.

"What do you mean?" she innocently said.

Jisoo scoffed, as she hold up the medicine in her hand. "This is the easiest job and there no way a doctor like you could misplaced these," she narrowed her eye. "unless..."


"no, don't tell me!" she eyed her suspiciously, "you have been rejected?" she smirked.

She chocked and wided her eyes in shocked. How did Kim Jisoo read her so well?

"Oh my god, It's true!"

She immediately grab the older hand and rushes to the near room, hoping someone could heard them. She closes the door. And give Jisoo that kind of face.

Jisoo giggled, "so, it's a serious kind of love."

"who? is? the? man?" she demand.

She rolled her eyes in annoyed. There no way she could hide this from Kim Jisoo. The famous know it all.

"Well, he just happens to volunteer at the Paediatric Department where I was assigned too.  ─ His name is Jeon Jungkook."

"Jeon Jungkook?"

Jisoo seems to know his name. "wait, he the guy everyone talks about, right? The famous handsome one."

"You knew?"

"Everyone knew, chae." she stated the obvious.

"What did he said? About your confession?"

"he said he's not sure what he feels for me yet─ but that's not a rejection, Jisoo!" she frowned.

"well, do you really like him?"

"He nice. He just have a─ broken heart." chaeyoung pouted.

"I just don't think he likes me, the way I like him."


When Jeon Jungkook arrived, he left a sigh. He haven't visit her in a very long time. Jungkook remember when he visits her everyday after spending his time at the hospital. Or when he misses her. Sometimes, he just sits there for an hour─ and stares at her photo while remember all those precious time together.

Taking the bouquet of flowers she once loved. He enters the cemetery.

Arrived at her final resting place, Jungkook looks at the photo he place there. It's the day when he married her. He carefully opens the glass cabinet and cleans it, remember to put the flowers inside.

"Thank you for everything but ─ I'm ready to let go now." he truly is.

He softly smile, "Till we met again." It's the first time Jeon Jungkook did not shed a tear when visiting his late wife.


Park Chaeyoung was with her friends, Kim Jennie and Kim Jisoo whom she is lending a helping hand at the counter. Her shift ends exactly in an hour.

"Are you Miss Park Chaeyoung?" the ward guard approached her.

She slowly nodded, "Yes, I am."

"Someone requested for your time outside." she titled her head wandering who is looking for her, while glancing on her friends.

"May I know who that person is?"

"Mr Jeon Jungkook."


Park Chaeyoung open the door at the rooftop, it's bring her a slight dejavu as this is where she first met him. That same placed. Why did he want to see me, especially here?

She spotted him sitting on the bench, he is dressed in lighter colours than usual. Normally, Jungkook would always dressed in darker colours.

"Jungkook." she called, as he turns around and immediately stand up from the bench, "You here." she added. Eversince she confessed to him, chaeyoung had never seen him these past few days.

And when he called her name either ─ she thinks it's gonna be alright.

"Why did you want to see me?" she questions.

"Oh it's ─" he gestured her to sit as she silently followed and now, currently the breathtaking view of Seoul greets them.

"First, I'm sorry if I'm bothering you or somehow but I'm not sure who else I should met." he said.

"─ and secondly, I think I just did the bravest thing I did after two years." he admitted.

"You did?"

He nodded, "I moved on."

"I think I'm ready to moved on."

Jungkook glanced at her and he finally truly realised how beautiful she is. Inside and out. He feels a bit stupid for never realising this before.

".. and finally, chaeyoung." he paused─  "I think I like you."

He pursed his lips before chuckling, "no, I think I like you alot." Jungkook feels the need to say that atleast.

And he done. He done with his words and confession. A huge weight of shoulders just lifted off from him.

The whole time, Chaeyoung found herself staring at him. She had never encounter this side of him before and she glad she did.

She beamed teasingly, "Did you actually memorise that before you said those to me?" a took a mere second before she said that.

"It is obvious?"

She sigh dramatically, "kindaaaa, except that last part. I love that."

"So Is this a yes?" he hopes it is. Why it is suddenly so hot in here?

She paused, "Well, I guess I think about it," she playing with him. Jungkook could definitely see that, he decided to follow along.

"How about a date together and we could see how it goes from there?" he reached out for her hand.

"I think I would love that, Jungkook." and she reached his too.

And the rest is history.

author note : i just feel the need to wrote that last part lmfao 😮‍💨
          anyways, im gonna take a nap. writing oneshots is tiring, im telling ya

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