this love | 03

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This love is good
This love is bad
This love is alive back from the dead
These hands had to let it go free, and
This love came back to me,
This love left a permanent mark
This love is glowing in the dark,
These hands had to let it go free, and
This love came back to me.


A week after the prom, everything went downhill. Chaeyoung started to avoided him like crazy everytime he walk passed. Acting like he didn't even existed. They both knew they are hurting each other. So hard. And Jungkook missed her. A lot.

But Jungkook can't let chaeyoung distracted him, he had to forced himself to focus on the football championship. He can't afford to lose. Jungkook, the captain can't afford to make any mistakes. He still have to do it, no matter how hard it is.

"Aren't you coming for the championship, chaeyoung?" Jennie said, opening the light on as it's dark as heck in her room.

Chaeyoung shooked her head as a no and continued to study for the midterms soon.

"Cmom, it's jungkook we talking about. Aren't you both always together? What happened?" Jennie walks closer and close her books for her to pay more attention to her surroundings.

"nothing happened jen, I promise you that." it's clearer a lie.

"Then it would be no problem for you to come now isn't it?"

It's took chaeyoung a minute to agreed.

"Fine, I get dress." chaeyoung signed and open her phone to see a message who was send by jungkook an hour ago

Jungkook. ❤️
Chaeyoung hey um.
Today is the championship,
I was hoping you came.
It would mean a world for me to see you there.
I see u there, I hope soo.

She read, I see you there too. She muttered but didn't replied and left him on seen instead.


On seen.

He look, she probably wouldn't come. Jungkook keep on groaning in frustration. He keep on blaming himself back to back for losing her. She hates him even more now.

"Jungkook! It's time. Let's go!" the coach scream and forced him to come.

Jungkook nodded and put back all his belonging in the locker and run off, feeling a lot more nervous than before.

His first thought was to see if chaeyoung was here, he check the bleachers and pray to the heaven she might come. Jungkook need to see her. As when the god had answer his prayer, he sees her. With Jennie.

Jungkook finally smile for the first time this morning. He feels the need to wave at her but thought that might made her feel uncomfortable so he didn't. He just happy she able to see her before the games started.

The points is leading up. He score one goal for the last ten minutes. With one more from Mingyu, his other team mates. While the opponents score one. Every once in a while, Jungkook keep on checking if chaeyoung is there. Every minute, he will check and see from afar.

Unfortunately, the opponent manage to score a goal and win a point which causes a tie for the both of them. Games end in 20 minutes. He have to score for a goal.

Jungkook, making a habit check if chaeyoung is still there. And she isn't. His heart drop. He see from another point of view or maybe she change her seats but she was nowhere to be seen.

Jungkook begins to panicked. Hard.

"Jungkook cmom kick the ball! There only a few more minutes left!" he heard, screaming, shouting and all of these pain make his vision blurry. Before he knew it, he fall down and he continued to breath. Those endless screams pain him.

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