with you | 03

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Park chaeyoung feels terribly lonely today. Her friends is busy and she couldn't spend time with her family since there not in Seoul. She isn't in duty today at the hospital but at least, it could stop her from remembering him. News clashed yesterday when she was told she could be transfer back to her old department. The thought of not being able to see him torn her heart. She feels the need to at least admitted her feelings.

It had been a week, at least since she last saw Jungkook. Now, chaeyoung is preoccupied with work and the hospital. She sigh, walking through the white solid floors. Hands tuck inside her white jacket as she slid her id card allowing her to enter.

"chaeyoung?" she turn around.

"It is you. God, it's been so long."

She tilted her head, who is he? But that voice is so.. familiar. She looks at his nametag and freezes.

Chaeyoung slightly wided her eyes, ".. Jung Jaehyun?"

"I'm glad you still remember." Jaehyun offer her a cup of coffee as he sits in front of her. After unexpected rushing to each other, he invites for a small reunion at the local coffee shop.

"thanks," she sips.

"why are you here?" she asked. And chaeyoung realised she sounded rude with the way her tone sound. "I meant it's just.. unexpected to see you here after all the time, right?" she offer a small smile.

Jaehyun chuckle, "I guess so. And to answer your question, I got transferred here around a month ago."

She slowly nodded. A month ago.

"How long has it been? Two years?"

Chaeyoung nodded again, "right, two years." she gulped and then asked again, "How are you with─ Yeseul? Is she alright?"

Yeseul. And Jaehyun. Both of them bring her sudden pain two years ago.

"We broke up."

Oh. "Oh. God, I didn't knew."

He strugged, "seems like things didn't work out. We just drifted apart somehow."

Drifted apart. Like ─ you and me. He chooses her. And that's why chaeyoung choose to transfer to Seoul. To get away from both of them.

"Well, I'm glad that we could still talk like we used to." she said.

He chuckle, "Can ─ we still meet each other after this?"

She sigh, "okay."


Jeon Jungkook begins his company at a young age and he had strive ever seen. Though people couldn't see what he had really feel. He work so daam hard to forgot about her. And so he begins volunteer for the orphans at the hospital. Hoping it would cure his lonely heart.

He really look for a way to let go ─

Jungkook opens the door to his car and drove to the hospital. Though he already got a personal driver, he prefer to drove for himself. Eversince the car accident, many had change. Including him.

He decided to treat the staff a few drinks of coffee. Something he had always did. As he waits for the order to finished, his eyes caught something, or someone. With a person he doesn't recognised. His jaw begins to clenched.

Jungkook still remember the first time he met her at the rooftop. And when he offer her a ride home on a rainy day. And she─ park chaeyoung reminds him so much about her.


When he arrived at the floor, Jungkook were immediately tackled by the kids. And the staff welcome him back happily. But the thought of that someone isn't here, makes his heart not completed.

"Is Miss Park Chaeyoung not here?" he asked doctor Irene whom in charged today.

"Ah, Miss Park. She's not on duty today." he reacts with a small noticeable frowned. He swore he sees her at the cafe.

"Why? Are you expected her?" she teases. It was kinda obvious to Irene how Chaeyoung and Jungkook may have a special relationship.

Irene question snap him back to reality.

Jungkook noticed as he replied with a light chuckle.

After a hour playing with the kids, he decided to leave the place after his secretary called for an urgent meeting with the investor.

He patiently waited for the lift to arrived at the floor, as the door opens. He met with a familiar pair of eyes.

"chaeyoung," he speaks.

She steps outside the elevator, "Jungkook," she said his name and it feels nice hearing that. "what are you doing here?" she continued.

"Oh, I decided to meet with the kids there." he noticed that cup of coffee in her hand.

She nodded, observing him. "I guess you are leaving now, right?

"Ah yes, I have some important─" he shakes his head, a soft chuckles escaped his lips, "Do you perhaps.. want to have lunch with me?"

Looks like his investors could have to wait instead.


"thanks," he said when the waitress arrived with the food.

Chaeyoung sits in front of him, she slowly gazed on him. He still looks charming than ever. No wonder people have a crush on him. She once overhead a few doctors who ongoing training procedure talks about him before. It's not a secret when he is almost a celebrity outside the hospital anymore.

She slowly dips in into her noodles, "how have you been doing these days?" he asked.

"well, I'm almost done with training. I think─ it will be a few weeks until I got transfer back to my older department," she admitted.

"Oh," she couldn't help but noticed the disappointment in his voice.

She remember her confession.

"Jungkook." she says.

"I actually wanted to tell you something before we actually ─ partways."

Well, here goes nothing.

"I like you, alot."

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