exes | 03

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She didn't want to go. But that would disappoint her friends especially Jennie. School festival is the last place she would go when she sad or even miserable. Of course, she tried telling her but the look on Jennie exciting face about the festival caught her off guard. So she put down her emotions and chooses her friends.

Park Chaeyoung wore white buttons crop top and high waisted jeans to paired with a denim jackets. Incase it's gets too cold. Most of this outfits were gifted by Jennie on her birthday. Chaeyoung wasn't in a mood to style her hair so she just let her brunette hair fall and bring along her scrunchies hair tie.

Chaeyoung titled her head and look onto her reflection on the mirror. She look messed up. She sigh and look onto the clock on the wall, it's 7.02pm and the college parties starts in half an hour. She didn't want to go because she knows Jungkook will be there. He will see her.

"you ready?" Jennie open the door, without knocking. Jennie glanced onto her friend up and down. "You look stunning as always."Jennie grin like a proud mother.

"you look not so bad either." chaeyoung chuckle. Jennie, majoring in fashion speaks a lot about her taste.

Jennie pulled out something from a pouch, a peach coloured lipstick. "here, you would look gorgeous with this. Matches with your outfit!" she moved closely to chaeyoung and applied the lipstick on her lips.

After she done, both of the brunette look at the mirror. Jennie smile grow wider everytime, chaeyoung feels more prettier than usual.

"it works everytime."


Chaeyoung and Jennie arrived before there two other friends did. Jisoo and Lisa waved at them from afar, all of them gather onto the green fields where bands performing live in front of the stage. It's huge and loud.
She also saw some people she recognised but didn't have the guts to say hello.

Chaeyoung sat in between them onto the blanket where there were food. Like a picnic or on a camp, watching fhe mashmellows burn on the fire. She also could swear she noticed stares onto her and it makes chaeyoung felt uncomfortable. It's there something on my face? Or my outfit look out of place?

Chaeyoung ignored them. "chaeee." lisa called, giggling over the drinks she had drank. "look, it's your favourite band playing!" she pointed on the stage where some band were covering taylor swift songs. Chaeyoung laugh, "thanks, lisa."

Lisa giggle, she placed her head onto lisa shoulder. And she could see the stage feel even more brighter. Chaeyoung couldn't see Jennie nor Jisoo so there must be at somewhere else. Chaeyoung felt like she wanted to go places and she definitely couldn't leave lisa here alone so as a good friend, she waited until one of them arrived back.

Not long after, Jisoo arrived with snacks. "sorry, I was at the stalls." Jisoo glanced on the youngster and sigh. "she drunk, already?" Jisoo utter in disbelief.

"you ask her." chaeyoung giggled. Jisoo sat beside her, and help chaeyoung. "I can handle lisa from here."

Chaeyoung smiled, "thanks." and when the coast is clear, she left her two friends.


Chaeyoung walk around the huge festival and saw some people were cheering, laughing or even making out in public. She look away and saw the hills on top of the ground. So, chaeyoung walk at least ten minutes to get there. She hates the loud noise.

When she gets there, chaeyoung is surprised with a person she had been avoiding from. Jungkook were sitting on the grass and watching the live band performing who didn't even noticed her until he heard a sound.

He turn, as he was just as surprised as she were.

"chaeyoung." he called.

"um hello." she said. "sorry, I didn't know you were here. I should just... leave."

"no, it's okay. I think I would some company." he said and chaeyoung is afraid to say no. She walks towards him and sat beside him.

He keep on staring at her and chaeyoung feels awkward to this silence, "I thought I might find peace." she said, while she looks at him. "Kinda hate when the noise gets louder, you know." chaeyoung added.

"I know." he agreed

"what are you doing here?" chaeyoung asked again this time.

He took a few seconds to answer. "same reason as you."

She hummes. And nodded.

"do you remember when we kids?" Jungkook began the conversation. "We would always sneak out late at night and drive to the highest hills together." he said, bringing out their past memories together.

Chaeyoung chuckle, "look where we are now. It's dejavu." she points to the hills and there here watching the beautiful view, the dark skies and the music.

"and we would played the instruments and sing out loud at night, just to see who played the best." he added again.

Music were their love languages. That's what made their falls inlove.

Chaeyoung feels a bit sad, there were past lovers. "look, Jungkook I-"

Suddenly, his phone rang which made chaeyoung stop speaking. Jungkook moves his attention towards the phone.

"oh wait, excuse me." Jungkook said, as he bring his phone and sees the caller. Chaeyoung swear her heart broke when Jungkook put on the brightess smile she had ever seen. She remembers when Jungkook used to smile at her when there were dating.

Jungkook excused himself and went to the corner to have a private conversation. Chaeyoung wonders who the person is seeing how excited and happy Jungkook was.

Then, Jungkook returned. He put his phone on his pocket jeans.

"Who that?" she asked. And chaeyoung hope that her accusations are wrong.

Jungkook did took a moment to say and chaeyoung wishes she had never asked. "My girlfriend."

Her smile drop. In an instant. Chaeyoung didn't expect this to happen.

"you.. have.. a.. girlfriend?" she muttered and somehow Jungkook caught her.

Jungkook nodded, "for a year now."

Park chaeyoung feel her heart breaks more than her whole exes did before, she feel as her world collapse. She feels like breaking down. And now, she truly realised that she had never moved on.

"That's... awesome." she show her smile. A very forced one.

He grin but starches his nape. "chaeyoung, I'm sorry. I have to go."

Chaeyoung now understand. He really had move on. He has a girlfriend. Maybe better than her, seeing how happy he was.

"oh." chaeyoung couldn't not longer hides her disappointment anymore. "that's okay." she grins, hoping her smile would cure her pain.

"I see you later then." Jungkook bids her goodbye, and left. He will never returned back to where they were supposed to be.

Chaeyoung broke down, tears started to form as she had cried. This bring her deja vu when she remembers how she cried when she demand a break up from Jungkook back then. The fireworks lights up as she could heard people cheering from below. And here she is, looking at the fireworks with nothing but hurtful feelings.

Maybe happy ending is just no longer meant to be.

oopss :p also im really srry if this wasn't what ur expected cause neither did I 😭 i just didn't know how to bring these two lovers back.. so i came up with an alternative ending :'))

Just praying that the next story will have a happier ending. 😔🤞

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