with you | 02

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Park Chaeyoung isn't really good with handling children. Maybe because she isn't used with having kids, especially when she the youngest among her family and relatives. So, taking care of children isn't really apart of her speciality.

It was overwhelming. The kids where around 6 to 9 years old and most of them are orphanages. Towards chaeyoung first day, she had already witnessed a children crying and stomping his feets. Madly.

Kim Yeri, the another trainee was on a break and chaeyoung is the only doctor available.

"my toy is broken!" he yelled as he begins crying on the floor.

"d-dongsun-ah, it's okay. let me see." she says, wiping down his tears. She doesn't know how to react to this situation. God, someone save her.

"doctor park! Jisung broke my toy!" he begin to cry more, his favourite transformer toy broke into pieces.

"I didn't!" Jisung defend himself. "his big fat feet step on his toy and now he blaming me!"

"I didn't!"

"You did!"


"Okay, it's enough!" chaeyoung stop the argument.

"dongsun, I buy you a new one." she said.

Dongsun eyes spark within seconds. "really?" his tears stopped.

She chuckle seeing how much thrilled he is, "yes, let's brought you a new one!"

He clapped happily.

"miss chaeyoung?"

She immediately look at her back. And now standing in front of her is someone she isn't expected to see in a long time.


He grins.

"uncle Jungkook!" the kids together immediately surrounded him happily. Even Dongsun asked to be carried.

Chaeyoung immediately stand up.

"uncle Jungkook! Where have you been? You haven't been here for a week!"

He helplessly chuckle, "I'm sorry everyone, I have works to do."

".. but I'm back. And I'm pleased to see you all again." he said but this time, he looks at her.


"Here." he returns with a ice-cream stick.

"oh thanks, I needed this."

"so how your first day."

"tiring. Feeling like the kids are draining up my energy."

"you get used to it," he smile.

"You must be good with kids." she says, "they love you here."

He chuckle, "Kids love when they have grown up attention. I want to give all the attention to them. I don't want them to feel lonely." he confessed.

She choose to grin instead. Then, chaeyoung eyes stumbled across the bouquet of lilies on his hand.

"they're lovely," she said, pointing at the lilies.

He grins, "yes, they are."

Does he have someone special?

She decided to test it out, "Your girlfriend must love them."

He could only smiled.

"It's just that these flowers are for someone special that had once enter my life."


Park chaeyoung needed a break. And she need coffee to spice things up. While preparing for her drink and snacks, someone enter the room.

She greeted her senior doctor Irene which is one of her lovely mentors. Irene greets her back while also preparing her lunch.

"You must knew him well." doctor Irene said.

Chaeyoung glanced at her elder with a confused look, "who?"

"ah yes, Mr Jungkook." Irene said, "I never seen him smile so much." she told her.

Somehow, that made her flustered. She chuckled, "well, I should be around often then."

Irene smile upon chaeyoung remark, "I remember the first time he's here. I thought that he wanted to volunteer to raise his company profits, you know for the company image and stuff but now, and he still here. He proven me wrong instead." she added.

Chaeyoung nodded, "how long had he been volunteering?" she asked curiously.

"I would say two years now." she said.

Chaeyoung slowly nodded, why is he still here? She wanted to asked more but she feels as if that it his own choice. Maybe he adored kids after all.

Irene sigh, "It's a shame that his wife had passed away."

Chaeyoung immediately look at the elder, feeling surprised with the sudden burst.

"I'm sorry? His wife?" she sounded taken back.

"You didn't knew?"

She slowly shooked her head.

"well, his wife died two years ago because of a car accident. He had offered to volunteer because his wife died when she was pregnant with his child."


So, that's what the lilies are for.

"That's why he had volunteer for so long."


"It's just that these flowers are for someone special that had once enter my life."

Chaeyoung still remember what had Jungkook told her earlier.

So, the roses are for his wife.

Chaeyoung feels stupid. She's so stupid and naive.

He must had been heartbroken.

"You must be really loved her."

He sigh, "I did. But that was all in the past, right? People who still have time to live should move on. And let the past let go."

How could chaeyoung love someone when his heart is still breaking into pieces?

Move on?

It isn't really as simple as it be.

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