Chapter 3 - In the dark

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Spencer's POV
I rush into the hospital my feet echoing off the empty hallway. I was vaguely aware of Toby trying to match my pace but he wasn't fast enough. I emerge into the ICU wing where it was still pretty quiet. "Spencer!" Toby yells and grabs my arm. "Your mom probably isn't even out of surgery yet, they won't tell you anything."
"I have to try!" I tear my arm away from his grasp my tears blurring my vision slightly. I walk up to the woman behind the desk. "I'm here to see Veronica Hastings." I rush out my voice urgent. The nurse glances up at me and pushes her glasses back onto her face using her index finger.
"Are you family?" She asks.
"I'm her daughter." I reply, my leg was tapping nervously.
"Name?" The nurse asks as she types away on her computer.
"Spencer Hastings." I tell her before I wipe my eyes with my hands.
"I'm sorry Miss Hastings but I cannot release any information about your mother." The nurse says, she tries for her best sympathetic smile but I feel my anger bubble or was that desperation?
"Listen here you, I am her freaking daughter and if you don't-!" I'm cut off by Toby standing beside me.
"I'm sorry, I'm officer Cavanaugh." Toby extends his hand and the nurse takes it still eyeing me with displeasure. "I was wondering if you could give me an update on Mrs Hastings status."
"I'm sorry officer but that is the doctors job, I have no information that can help you at this minute. If you wait I can go get the doctor." The nurse gestured to the waiting room where hard uncomfortable seats awaited us.
"That would be great." Toby says giving the nurse a complimentary smile before he took me, gently, by the shoulders and steered me towards a seat. "Just wait here, okay?" Toby orders me before he steps outside the room pulling his phone from his pocket. I just want to know if my mom is okay. Toby had told me on the way that she was driving and someone drove right into her, right on her side and the damage was bad. The other driver had died upon impact which meant the crash was a serious one.

I was still waiting half an hour later and Toby had came and sat with me after making a call. "I have to go Spencer." Toby says but I barely hear him. I'm just staring at the clock watching the minutes tick by. I know Toby is no longer beside me but I can't bring myself to look away from the clock wondering what time my mom was going to die. That's what's going to happen, right? They wouldn't have took this long if it wasn't really really bad. I feel someone's hand touch my shoulder and it jolts me out of my state. My eyes trail from the fingers on my shoulder, to their wrist, up their arm until my eyes fall on her face. Its so familiar and comforting and although it brought a lot of new feelings to my attention I pushed them down. Her lips moved but no sound came out. I shook my head trying to dislodge whatever was going on inside my head. "Spencer?" Aria asks her voice sweet and gentle. I had no words to say to her and yet there was so much I wanted to say. "Toby called me." Aria sat beside me her brown hair bouncing as the slight breeze from the motion caught her hair.
"H-he did?" I stutter, at least I could talk. Aria nodded and I felt grateful that Toby had called her.
"Spence..." Aria trailed off she seemed to be searching for the right words. "You're shaking." Aria noted. I wrap my arms around myself in an attempt to stop the shaking, I wasn't cold, just anxious. Nevertheless, Aria started to shrug off her cardigan that she was wearing, one of the rare pieces of clothing she wore that I could actually pull off. It was an oversized one so it would fit me no problem. Aria placed it on my shoulders and I tuck my arms into the sleeves shivering at the warmth that the cardigan had. Aria's warmth. I dismissed the thought as soon as it came. I waited with Aria for hours before I slowly drifted asleep. I was awoken by someone calling my name. "Miss Hastings?" A deep voice called. My eyes snap open and I realise that my head was leaning against Aria's shoulder and somehow Aria had fallen asleep with her head resting on mine. I stand up which wakes Aria from her slumber. "Yes?" I call to the doctor who was about to walk back into the ICU. His face was mutual and I couldn't tell if that was a good thing or a bad thing. The doctor slowly approached me, he seemed to be careful about his approach that made me feel uneasy. "Your mother was seriously injured in the crash. I tried my best to save her life but I couldn't save her. I'm so sorry." And just like. That my whole life crumbled before me. I felt hot tears stream down my face and heartbroken sobs echo from my voice. Aria wrapped me in a hug. I burrowed my head into her hair and sobbed endlessly, I was aware of her hands moving up and down my back and her repeating over and over again "It's okay Spencer, I'm here.". I pull away from her unable to stay any longer in her grasp because she made me feel good and I didn't want to feel good right now. I remember Aria leading me away and her calling someone -maybe my dad?- before I knew it we were standing outside next to my car. Aria put me in the passenger seat and she drove since I was in no state to drive. I stared at my reflection in the rear mirror. I felt numb, like nothing could bring me to life. I could see Aria throwing me worried glances every now and again but I just stared at my image in the mirror unable to comprehend what had just happened. My mom is dead. She's dead. What was I supposed to do? As soon as Aria pulled up to my house I leap out of the door and practically run into the house. I lock the door and slide down the door and I start crying. I hear someone try the door and know it's Aria but I just want to be alone. "Spencer! Spence?" Aria calls her voice sounding worried. I don't reply. "Spencer, I know you want to be alone right now but I think you should let me in." I pull Aria's cardigan around me tighter and I wipe my face. I can't. I hear the clip clop of her heels as she walks away but it does little to stop my tears. I just sat there, in the dark, alone.

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