Chapter 14 - "Aria Hastings."

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Spencer's POV
"Aria! I think you've had enough." I finally find Aria at the bar again after squeezing through crowds of people. This was starting to become exhausting, she seemed to disappear every three seconds and then I'd panic and try to find her, there's only so much a girl can take. And don't even get me started on the guys here, they're really grabby and when you try to squeeze past them they touch you in the most inappropriate places. I was tempted to wear a big neon sign that flashed 'I'm gay!' just to save me some time. "Oh c'mon Spence don't be a buzz kill." Aria protests leaning against the bar for support. She was drunk or wasted was probably a better word. She couldn't stand without swaying and almost falling over, she was really going to regret this in the morning. Aria never usually got drunk but tonight was a different story. I check my wrist watch and see that it's one o'clock in the morning.
"Aria its late, I think we should go." I say firmly.
"Just one more." Aria says grinning but when the bartender saw her he gave me a look.
"I'm sorry but I'm cutting you off." The bartender says before walking off to serve another customer.
"Huh? Well that sucks, next bar?" She asks excitedly. She pushes herself off of the bar and stumbles so I rush forward and take her in my arms steadying her.
"I think you need some coffee." I say. I feel Aria wrap her arms around my neck and my eyes grow wide as I realise what she's doing. "Aria." I warn my breath catching in my throat.
"Hmm?" She asks leaning closer to me. The smell of alcohol was so strong that my eyes were stinging. I feel her lips on my neck and I tense. Maybe I had made a mistake bringing her to a bar, now she's horny and I really can't deal with a drunk Aria. I couldn't exactly push her away or she'd probably fall backwards and hurt herself. "Aria." I warn again and she pulls away to look at me. "Lets get out of here, okay?" I ask trying to get through to her.
"You're right. Let's go." She says grabbing my hand and pulling me out of the club. We're next to my car in a deserted parking lot after a short walk from the bar. I hear Aria pull on the door but when it doesn't open she sits on the floor. "I can't do anything right." She sighs and I join her sitting on the cold, hard, concrete floor.
"That's not true." I try to reassure.
"Yes it is! If I wasn't who I am then my mother would still love me." Aria sinks her head into her hands and sobs. The sound of her crying breaks my heart.
"Shhh, it's going to be okay, remember? I promised." I soothe which seems to work as Aria lets out a small laugh. "And if you weren't who you are then you wouldn't have me." I continue my voice soft.
"I couldn't live without you." Aria says lifting her head to look at me directly.
"Now let's get you some coffee to help you sober up." I say smiling and I feel my heart jolt when Aria gives me a small smile back. I help her up off of the pavement and open the car door for her to get in. I then climb in next to her into the drivers seat. I drove to an off the grid coffee shop and returned back to the car with the coffee. Aria takes the cup grateful and I begin the drive back to my house.

We arrive at my house about two o'clock in the morning. Aria had sobered up considerably and was now complaining of being tired. I follow her upstairs to my bedroom and tell her to wear whatever she wants from my closet. I was getting the bed ready when I heard her trudge into my room. My clothes were obviously too long for Aria and she was wearing one of my old hockey jerseys that was long enough it came to about the middle of her thigh. On the back of the jersey was my last name and I let out a small laugh. Aria turns to look at me with a look of curiosity. "What's so funny?" She asks.
"Nothing, but I like my name on you." I answer back smirking. Aria frowns in confusion and then a look of realisation crosses her features.
"I like it on me too." She replies smiling.
"Aria Hastings." I whisper in her ear and grin when I feel her shiver. "I love it." I say a little more seductively then I was planning on sounding. Aria twists around to face me with only inches of space between us.
"Maybe you should get dressed for bed." She says before climbing into my bed.
"Wilt thou leave me so unsatisfied?" I ask quoting Shakespeare. I quickly grab some shorts and a t-shirt and crawl into bed beside her. I wrap my arms around her back and pull her closer to me her warmth sending waves of pleasure through me.
"Spencer." Aria says sleepily.
"Yes?" I ask nudging just that little bit closer to her.
"Promise me you'll never leave me." She says in a small voice.
"I promise you I will never leave you." I whisper into her ear. I feel her arms around my neck and her pull me even closer to her. I let my hands wander up her smooth legs her skin like velvet until I reach the fabric of the jersey stopping me from exploring any further. "Spencer." Aria whispers her voice unsteady. I connect our lips in a passionate kiss and feel Aria's hands move from my neck to my back. I pull Aria so that I'm on top of her my hands still at the boundary of the jersey t-shirt. Okay, I'm getting a little ahead of myself I know I should stop but it's hard. I trail kisses down her cheek to her jawline and then to her neck feeling warmth in every part of my body when she moans my name. "Spencer." Aria moans this time and I suck on her sweet spot on her neck. I let my hand slip beneath the jersey fabric my hand resting on the top of her thigh very close to that special place I was itching to touch. But we had agreed to wait and this wasn't the right time. To my relief I feel Aria's hand on mine and she gently takes it in hers if she hadn't stopped me then I don't knew what would have. I roll off of her and let out a huge sigh my chest heaving after that steamy exchange. "Not now." Aria mutters sleep invading her voice. I knew she was asleep by her steady breathing and slight snore she was doing. Her arm was slung over my body wrapped around my waist and her head was resting on my chest. I could get used to this.

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